New people on board

Very well put Raydog. I have only been to two meet and greets. One in Eureka, one in OKC. Both were great times. I would do anything for an org member because its one thing to sit here and talk to one another on the forum, but when you put a name with a face, and spend time with people, it makes it that much more personal. A friend is a friend, and I know that if I ever need help, the org is there. For those of you I have not had the pleasure to meet, I hope to see you in April. Those that have my number, I got your back brothers and sisters. I too am a newbie, what, total of two months on the board. I will shut up now.
The 08 stirred up a lot of interest I bet...

and Twotonevert.... you are going to the Spring bash right?
I guess I'm the only newbie that don't ride that much... but I do like drifting better than riding and its a bit easier to have some sort of self control... I do spend a lot on tires ....

I think I do have to many toys...
Then there are those kind of newbies that don't even own a 'Busa but want to, like me.

And by "moving the lips" I also learn (forces me to order and summarise my ideas, and I get interesting answers)
This newbie has made if over 100 posts. Joined this forum about two months before I picked up my Busa. Helped me alot.

I made 100 posts so quickly because I fornicate with the K9 at work like no bodys business.

Welcome to all the other FNG's too.
I see alot of the new members don't have balls.
That's the Donating Member thingy isn't it?
Donate section is gone, when I checked it said the Org was rich and didn't need anymore donations now and to spend the money on beer and parts for the bike. So I did.

Anyway, I've only been on the board for a couple of months but it's been a good 'ol time so far. Looking forward to the Eureka meet next spring.
Thanks everyone
.. Tom
yes welcome new and old...its a wonderfull place to sit down relax and share a spell or two....and on a side note... LE06 FTW
and then there are the lazy newbies like me that haven't done nothing but remove the reflectors or put any mailes on the new busa.. I bet the will probably be happy in someone else garrage... its been windy here in homolulu and ht and rainy at the same time... me and my OCD don't like it when she is dirty so she barely now leaves the garage... hopefully I teke her out for a spin soon....
I'm in the sub-100 posts category having just bought a '03 black/grey Bus a few weeks ago. Been riding for ages, turn 46 in a month or so (who's the one who posted that turning 30 sucks? You don't know nuthin'). I'll be posting more soon to show some mods - I just got done with pinstripes on the stock paint, and am considering a 2nd set of tupperware for a custom paintjob.

And a big THANKKS to Al Gore for inventing the Internet so we can share stories, tips & tricks.
One thing I love about the Bus is it lends itself so well to customizing...