New product

I received notice that my GIpro shipped today!
Who hoo... due in Thursday too. And my Pete modded mirrors shipped today too. It's like Christmas.

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I just tried to order. Received a pop-up about some "manual" estimates etc. Did I miss the free shipping bit?

My name is Gurushankar Subramanian - see if you can find my order and hook me up.

This is EXACTLY what I need. I've been fishing for a 7th gear for waaay too long now


For anyone who has not yet submitted an order....
The first case is in US customs right now and is just about sold out, second case has been shipped from Europe.
Now...see that's how I got burned once in the past....customs.
Holding shipments of Joe Rocket apparel for 2+ weeks before releasing it. I had to cancel my order and move to another brand, because the seller was trying to move product they didn't physically have.
I am not saying this is your situation as well....but perhaps opening the "purchase window" a bit and allow the people on the fence about ordering see that the it's not just "links and pics magic."
A 12 day window from the time you make your first post to the time the odering must be completed isn't really that long. Some people don't even check into the forum that often.

Again...I am just thinking out loaud insult intended.

I think this is a great idea (prolly should have said that part first) and I too would like one as well...even more so in BLUE LED!
Gurushankar Subramanian
Thats a mouthful. How you pronounce that? Actually it looks rather phonetic now that I actually look at it......

Goo-Roo-Shun-Kah Supra-Man-Ian


Yeah...People just call me GS and all my IDs have GS Subramanian on the name instead of the football-field length full name.

Believe it or not - that is hardly my full name.

Most Indian names are like a personal GPS. They state which family you belong to, which village you were born in, which street, which corner of that street, to whom and when were you born...etc.

Quite a scientific process (naming a newborn)

It all goes to cock when you leave the country and face the rest of the tongue-tied world

UPS bastids...
I just check my tracking number and they have reschedualed my delivery date from this Friday (16th) to next Monday (19th)...
I wanted to install them (SpeedoHealer and GI/ATRE) this weekend...

orderd mine on the 9th suppose to get Due notice over the weekend still havent heard anything yet.

quote: Did the alert window not pop up when you selected PayPal? It should have told you that we manually send PayPal requests as we do not have our system compute shipping automatically. No worries. Over the weekend we'll send you a PayPal money request.


Todd Robinson
Owner, Cal-Sportbike
If you have not received a money request, please send me an email to with your name and order number and I will personally check on it.

With regard to customs...

Note that I did not say "stuck in customs". It cleared customs and was here on the 12th. We did have an issue with customs on the Speedo Healers last month with a new Homeland Security rule, but moved quickly to resolve it within 10 days. We've brought in nearly 10,000 Speedo Healers since 2003 with very few customs "hiccups". And I think we're generally known around the internet for being one of the web's most reputable shops. Check just about any forum to that end...
Received my GiPro yesterday (I paid for 2'nd day air since I'm heading out of town). Put it on and it works great. Instructions were clear and concise. Great add-on!
Thanks Todd!
Received my GiPro yesterday (I paid for 2'nd day air since I'm heading out of town). Put it on and it works great. Instructions were clear and concise. Great add-on!
Thanks Todd!
Where did you mount it... any pics?

I'm suppose to receive mine tomorrow.

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