New Tires Needed, Size???

used Shinkos for the last 30,000 miles , no problems other than not the best rain tire . Stay stock size
I haven't ridden on the 23 enough to give a comment yet. I bought the 23 for the rear on Tufbusa's advice so if I lose the rear end in fast corner I'm blaming him.:whistle:
I switched from pirelli rosso tires to a shinko rear and like it, I like straight line speed more and dont run twisties super fast. I plan on getting a matching shinko front this spring. They are way cheaper, stickey as heck, and work very well on the street with what i've thrown at it. Most dont ride anywhere near the tires potential anyway.
The shinko does have a little flatter profile, I think it looks way better. JMO
Im sure that alot of people would chose a shinko if it was called something that didnt sound so cheap. It is a very nice tire
The Shinkos will be of a slightly lessor quality than a Conti which is slightly better than a Pirelli which is of a lessor quality than a Dunlop which is slightly better than a Michelin which is of a lessor quality than an Avon which is slightly better than Bridgestone which is of a lessor quality than the ones I got :laugh:

By the way can anyone tell me :tre: or recommend a good oil ?
The only advantage of the 60 series front is to lower the front by a few MM to shorten the trail. If you don't hit the twisties hard or visit a road track this will have no advantage at all. I've never seen a 60 series front tire on a busa. The 55 raises the rear a few MM also shortens the trail. The 190/55 is a very popular choice over the stock 190/50 however. In your situation, it makes little difference. I'd suggest staying with the stock 120/70 front and 190/50 rear.

If I were chosing between a "Stinko" and a Continental,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, those Germans make pretty good stuff! :beerchug:

+1 :thumbsup:
so if shinko 005 are not as good performance as the stock ones.. then what should i get? i see the tire forum.. but everyone is yelling at each other.. i need real advice...
so if shinko 005 are not as good performance as the stock ones.. then what should i get? i see the tire forum.. but everyone is yelling at each other.. i need real advice...

There's too many variables, sorta every man for himself. You stated that you didn't ride that aggressive on the street ( twisties ) that you didn't mind running it up in 5th and / or 6th. Shinko makes a fairly good street tire that's cheap. I don't know the number. Try a set and see how they do for you.

I've ran a number of different rears, but basically the stockers on my '06 and '08, mezler, shinko rear on '06. Didn't like either. Michelins on the '06 loved them, they cost alot but held the corners, gave me close to 6K on rear, were a little slippery when down shifting for corners when worn out. Been running Avon Storms exclusively on the '08 since the stockers wore out. Not that pricey, last a little longer, and handle my riding in the corners.

Everyone can tell you what they think but you can only figure out what you want on your bike. Unless you drag race every week I wouldn't buy 95% of what shinko offers.
Great point, i re-read that post.. i live in philly.. so no twisties.. basically red light to red light.. i ride the Busa like a cruiser most of the time.. right hand on throttle and left on my leg, but when 150 comes a calling, I answer... so i dont know which one is better... i dont have the means or the $ to go through tire to tire.... so this is why I am asking for help...
If price is a major factor go Shinko. I think red light to red light and 150 burst will be fine.
Put a BT016 on the front and and BT023 on the rear and ride the hell out ot it. You will be fine.
I will add this the Shinko rear I got for $80 in '06 lasted 1800 miles and I was damn glad when it was shot.

BT16 front and BT23 rear?

I always heard to keep them the same for rain? I dont really know, rain and I aren't really good friends... when it rains, I turn around runnin....
BT-016 in the front will give you added control over the BT-023 front and the BT-023 in rear will give you added mileage longevity over the BT-016 rear. Together they seem to work really well and be a good compromise in corner control and mileage. I have not ridden them in the rain nor do I intend to unless it is an absolute necessity so I will not venture to comment on rain performance. I just recently switched to this combo based on the reccomendations of other members and so far (about 500 miles now) I have been satisfied. My front has about 2300 miles on it now and the rear has 500. I have scrubbed the rear all the way to edge and it has not given me any hint of giving up lateral traction.

BT16 front and BT23 rear?

I always heard to keep them the same for rain? I dont really know, rain and I aren't really good friends... when it rains, I turn around runnin....

When they say "Keep them the same" they mean keep them with the same manufacturer. The reason you don't want to mix Dunlops with Michelins etc is because the different size and profile of the tires may not be compatable causing handling issues especially at hight speeds. Also, the front tire may not shed the water properly for the rear tire on those rainy days resulting in poor wet performance.

If the BT015 is going to remain on your front, by all means choose a Bridgestone for the rear. If you have doubts, call any manufacturer and ask their opinion on mixing brands of tires.

That little patch of rubber is the only thing between the beast and the asphalt. Choose your tires wisely!