New to Busas

To early to be thinking Turbo. You will get here. The simply mods that the gang has suggested will get you to 170hp. check your speedo when you are running you will find you are going faster then you think. It just does not seem like it compared to a lighter bike.
Gear it at 16/42
Yosh Cam's
Small box Mod w/BMC filter
1390 Pistons
Full exhaust System
Custom mapped
Should have you up around 190-195 Hp, all for about $3000
The Busa is heavier but much smoother than the R1 get a copy of the video MachII you not only can see the power diff but a number of scenes show the better control at speed. The R1 is a great for the twisties but I like the power & torq of the bigger beast.
I started with this set up after I broke in my 02 Busa

2 intake cams
small air box mod
a little head work
remove the base gasket
Brock pipe

makes 201.3hp, and 111#'s of torque. If that isn't enought a Dry shot makes it 245hp. This runs a second faster in thr 1/4 mile than a heavily modded r-1

I have a few tricks up my sleve, I hope to have 210hp on pump gas before the week is out.
Welcome to the board.
Well having never ridden an R1 I couldn't tell you what the difference should feel like. You will get some answers soon.
Hi all,
I am new here.
I have a 01 Blk/Gry Busa
Sold my 92ZX11 which I thought was a fast bike(oversized pistons and valves).
This Busa is one fassssssssssssssst machine.
Where is everyone from? NYC here

Hi all,
I am new here.
I have a 01 Blk/Gry Busa
Sold my 92ZX11 which I thought was a fast bike(oversized pistons and valves).
This Busa is one fassssssssssssssst machine.
Where is everyone from? NYC here
Welcome to the board, Silky
Nice lookin bike.
Welcome to the board, both of you.

To answer your question: The R1 isn't that much slower. You will not notice a huge difference. The Busa is also a lot smoother. The R1 is peakier. Get a really good exhaust. Spend the money for the better exhausts and lighter too. HMF, Akrapovic, Brock Davidson's stepped Hindle. Buy Ti if you can afford it. Buy a Power Commander and get a custom map. That is when you will feel the potential. A 16 tooth front or a 42-43 rear will also make a huge difference. I would prefer the rear spocket because a 16 front puts undue stress on it. Not until all that, will you notice a big difference between the 2 bikes.

Most guys here simply love their Busas, as they should, but it isn't the fastest thing in comparison by great bounds. I came off a ZX9 and I wasn't all that impressed. The difference is....the Busa has so much more potential for power than any other bike. You just need to do a little tweaking. Once the mods are done, then and only then, will you notice the jaw breaking difference. Do the TRE, PC, exhaust, small box mod, new air filter, and pair mod. Just use the search engine and you will find all you need to know. There is also many threads on how to lighten her and make it steer like an R1.
Everyone, thanks for all the good info, Weather was too bad to get it to the Dyno.( 2 1/2 hour ride) After a little run this weekend, the speedo doesn't lie (I hope). The Busa's weight just makes it seem slower. Don't have the money for TI exhaust, got a full D&D because of the price. Also 16 front sprocket. Both these get put in this Friday, hope there is a little difference. looking for a PC. The only one listed is the PC11, is this the only one that will work with a 2001? Does the TRE really make a difference? I see some mixed feelings on that subject. I would like to go all out and get cams but I like having a warranty just incase something does happen.
if you decide to do the tre, be sure to get a risistor(5-10 cents) before spending $70. If you find nothing is wrong with your busa, you may want to see a docter, hehe. I have rode an R1, and to me there is a big difference.
Everyone, thanks for all the good info, Weather was too bad to get it to the Dyno.( 2 1/2 hour ride) After a little run this weekend, the speedo doesn't lie (I hope). The Busa's weight just makes it seem slower. Don't have the money for TI exhaust, got a full D&D because of the price. Also 16 front sprocket. Both these get put in this Friday, hope there is a little difference. looking for a PC. The only one listed is the PC11, is this the only one that will work with a 2001?  Does the TRE really make a difference? I see some mixed feelings on that subject. I would like to go all out and get cams but I like having a warranty just incase something does happen.
Yes, you need a PCII. I would also recommend a BMC Racing filter. I went with that filter, a Muzzy exhaust, and PCII. Plenty fast... and I kick R1's ALL over the place in the straight aways....
A_Dawg, the reason it may not feel as fast is that the Busa probably does not spin up as quickly as your R1 did. Changing the front sprocket will definitely help that.

I have only had mine for three weeks and it sure feels like "Ludicrous Speed" at any rpm when you get on it. I sure hope your bike does not have a problem with it.

I was amazed by that dyno comparison against the R1 and ZX9R that the Busa makes more torque at 3000 RPM than either one. Truly an amazing machine.
went in a ride tonight, found the guy that bought my R-1. After agreeing to let him ride mine, I took the the old bike for a run, I think that was all I needed to be sure, I did notice a difference, the R-1 definatly revs faster, but the Busa is just raw power. My sprocket gets here on Friday so I am pumped to see the difference. After riding thew Busa, the guy wants to buy mine, I told him get his own
Hey guys...another newbe here with yet another opinion on feels-vs-is fast:

Take a look at the tourque curves of the two bikes, this is where you will SEE the difference between the two beasts. The Hayabusa comes on early and has (in my opinion) a very flat tourque curve...this translates into electric motor type accelleration across the rev range. The power delivery is not abrubt as many articles would lead you to beleave, it's just linear, constant. If anybody has ever ridden a 125 two stroke and then jumped on an open class desert bike like an XR600, they would usually say that the 125 FEELS faster because the power delivery is SO abrupt, but don't be fooled, the XR will flat out eat a 125 for lunch in a drag race because it has an early, relatively flat tourque curve....meaning it accelerates hard and long with no real "hit".

Just my humble opinion!!!!
ok, if you want power, here's what you do:
A) put 3 spark plugs back shouldn't be riding with only one.
B) try oil, it lubricates your engine, thus giving more power.
C) try gas instead of diesel, it should work better.
D) take the banana out of your tail pipe.
E) make sure to put on the big wheel tire, do I smell a troll?
Finally got my sprocket, tre, and exhaust on, there is quite a difference, My powercommander didn't show today, hopefully tomorrow.Then I can use the bmc filter. I don't know if the sprocket was a good idea. I like the quicker revs, but DAMN this thing wants to look at the sky alot now. Any guesses on HP when I get this thing tuned? better yet, would someone be kind enough to recommend a map I can download to get me by until I can have one made?
