New to Forum, Just Purchased First Busa

The light shadows that show the rippling of the flag look good. The heavy ones look like a kid vandalized your bike with a can of black paint. Just my opinion, I like the concept your going for though. I t don't know if I like the eagle, maybe if it was a bit smaller.
Yeah, the one heavy ones are a bit to much, and I think removing the eagle and putting up more stars with the blue back ground would be a better solution
I am having the air brush artist remove the eagle and replace with the more stars.... he is also going to majorly reduce the shadow effect on the tank..... I think that should be pretty good at that point.... Will post more pics as he gets finished.
Would appreciate people letting me know if they think a white seat, or red would look better. I can get either cover easily enough..... thanks in advance.....
You wanted opinions - Right?

I would lose all the shadowing effect. On the fairings and the tank.
Sharp edges I think would make it stand out better and look - well - sharp.

If your going to remove the eagle then you might lose the feather too. If you lose the feather then I might put a white stripe on the hump to carry on the look.

Probably a white seat would look better and maybe a little cooler in the summer months.
A Blue seat could be an option too. It would carry on the blue section? ???
Thanks for the responses so far. I agree with the shadowing, and it will be removed from the tank for sure. Pretty cost prohibitive on the fairings, as they are clear coated, but at least they are not near as big as the tank was. Tough call on the seat.... either would work but not sure which would make it "flow" a bit better. Painter has a few more weeks to wrap everything up, so I have time to make a few smaller changes. I think it will be pretty sharp when it is complete. Add some heli bars and ride the crap out of it..... thanks again for the input
I am getting ready to send the rims out to be powder coated.... still haven't decided between red or blue...... though I am leaning towards red just a bit.....
Almost done.... final coat of clear, then I go to pick her up. The blue does match the tank, just the light playing tricks. I have picked up chrome mirrors and grips, and have decided to leave the rims and seat black....
