New (to me) Busa

Congrats on the great find, and welcome to the oRg!
Welcome! I have the same year but when I bought it used, the guy had it custom painted white with ghost flames because he'd layed it down in a corner. Now since I've owned it, it's purple but I LOVE the copper color; especially the black frame. I am very partial to the limited editions because of the black frames. They're sexy.
Congratulations and welcome to the boards. The Hayabusa was born in the wind tunnel, bred for performance; what a machine!

Where do you find these Busa's? Stickers, reflectors, 2k miles...
Just wait, two or three years from now some people will be selling their 08 Busa's with 500 miles on em! I got my 03 AE two years ago with 214 miles on it! Still had the white grease on the chain from the dealer. Folks just gotta have bragging rights and buy the baddest mother on the planet only to find out that it really aint what they needed or wanted. Works out pretty well for folks looking for bang up deals on used bikes.

Congrats on the Bike........
I got a similer deal a '99 w/low miles here in Cali....
