New to the ORG

This is the kit that I bought and where I'm noticing a leak coming from when I engage the clutch. Any help or guidance would be most helpful. I dont want to call a tech to my house but I will if I need to.

Clutch leak.jpg

photo 1 (4).jpg
just curious....have you read the manual re: clutch replacement? Here's a page from the supplement for the 2002 manual.

No i havent seen this yet. Thanks! Now my worry is that when I go to put the pressure plate back on, the shaft is sticking out so far that I cant get the plate on properly to mount the springs and screws.

When I engaged the clutch when I first started this job, i noticed the shaft would move back and forth. Now when i engage the clutch it's not moving at all and the spot where it's stuck won't allow me to put the shaft back on. Do i maybe have air in my line or something?
it might be helpful to start another thread in the General Bike area.

give us a few. someone much smarter than I should show up soon.

oh yea, :welcome: to the ORG. :beerchug:
I finally took off the clutch assembly where I saw the leak (right under the clutch bleed valve). I found a lot of crud, grease and grime around the sprocket and that's what was holding me back. Cleaned up the area, put my clutch kit back on, put back the clutch assembly.

Bled the clutch for about 25min......with a mityvac! And I finally saw the light. The clutch lever began to have pressure again. I have never seen so much air come out of a system like this. But I'm glad it's all out and I didn't give up. Feeling accomplished here. Back on the road now. I'll post a new thread on how the clutch kit is working out.
welcome to the org!!! Seems ya had trial by fire! Alls good though glad you worked it out man
Yup so far so good. After the clutch change I still notice that 2nd gear has a slip. It runs alot better and she doesnt completely die like she used to at high rev's in first and 2nd gear. but I guess now its down to repairing the actual gears....this hobby is starting to get expense....