I met a good riding bud named "Ian" who hailed from ireland a few years back...on our first ride we wound up having lunch at a hooters resturant where he shod his leather jacket to expose some rather hideous skin grafts all up and down his right arm...and when I and another close riding friend (who was also a proam superbike racer back in the day) questioned him about it he responded with....
"A few years back I just barely made it under the wire and qualified as a privateer to race in the Isle Of Man TT on my ZX-9R and when I did?...Kawasaki representitives offered me up a temporary and conditional sponsorship...that "condition" being....I hadta fill in as a bloody "Monkey In The Bucket" and when we crashed I screwed up me bloody arm.
at this point I was stupified by his story and I laughingly inquired...
"What The He11 Is A "Monkey In The Bucket"?
and my racing bud laughingly informed me...
"He had to race in the sidehack Jinks...a sidecar!!!
Ian was a wonderful person and a great guy to ride with...extremely skilled and uninhibited...and..I could listen to that coolazz irish accent for hours...I learned much from him...including that I'd be best off giving up on my dream of one day competing in the isle of man!
Ya'll irishmen are some crazy mofo's brother!...and...I Like That In A Man!!!
Welcome to the org. and...L8R, Bill.
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