New two brother's slip on's


WTFO? I kept trying to post that pic, but was getting an 'internal server' message; sorry all for the multi-post.
Those look nice.

I was out riding yesterday and twice (once on the freeway and another time on the street) people nonchalantly came over into my lane as if I wasn't there.  After laying on the horn like crazy, they finally noticed me.  I decided then that I definitely have to get a pipe that is a little louder.  Besides, the stock exhaust look like they account for half of the weight of the bike.  I also ride a harley with straight drag pipes, so the quiet of these stock pipes is a drastic change.
tell you right now loud pipes will not make much difference...

HID lights and defensive driving will... also , get the 139Db Stebel horn...  

The time you spend whacking the throttle open trying to get someones attention is time that should have been spent finding a new open lane...    the ultra loud horn does work (higher frequency and volume than your motor and will be heard)

Loud pipes saves lives is about as lame as it gets... they do alienate people on the sidewalk however
I agree.....loud pipes annoy the public and turn more people against sport bikes, and ruin long I doubt they do much, if anything for safety. In fact sometimes I think they piss people off enough that they might mess with you more. I like more performance..but don't want to ruin my ride with ear splitting pipes. I'm looking for some performers that are still reasonable sound wise. And pipes don't have to be ridiculoud to perform
Luckily, the 2Bros CF pipes are neither obnoxious nor ear-splitting. They're just grumbly (growly + rumbley). Not like an HD, but like a hyper sport bike with an enormous engine.
Those look nice.

I was out riding yesterday and twice (once on the freeway and another time on the street) people nonchalantly came over into my lane as if I wasn't there.  After laying on the horn like crazy, they finally noticed me.  I decided then that I definitely have to get a pipe that is a little louder.  Besides, the stock exhaust look like they account for half of the weight of the bike.  I also ride a harley with straight drag pipes, so the quiet of these stock pipes is a drastic change.
tell you right now loud pipes will not make much difference...

HID lights and defensive driving will... also , get the 139Db Stebel horn...  

The time you spend whacking the throttle open trying to get someones attention is time that should have been spent finding a new open lane...    the ultra loud horn does work (higher frequency and volume than your motor and will be heard)

Loud pipes saves lives is about as lame as it gets... they do alienate people on the sidewalk however
I agree.....loud pipes annoy the public and turn more people against sport bikes, and ruin long I doubt they do much, if anything for safety. In fact sometimes I think they piss people off enough that they might mess with you more. I like more performance..but don't want to ruin my ride with ear splitting pipes. I'm looking for some performers that are still reasonable sound wise. And pipes don't have to be ridiculoud to perform  
You're right about that.
Those look nice.

I was out riding yesterday and twice (once on the freeway and another time on the street) people nonchalantly came over into my lane as if I wasn't there.  After laying on the horn like crazy, they finally noticed me.  I decided then that I definitely have to get a pipe that is a little louder.  Besides, the stock exhaust look like they account for half of the weight of the bike.  I also ride a harley with straight drag pipes, so the quiet of these stock pipes is a drastic change.
tell you right now loud pipes will not make much difference...

HID lights and defensive driving will... also , get the 139Db Stebel horn...  

The time you spend whacking the throttle open trying to get someones attention is time that should have been spent finding a new open lane...    the ultra loud horn does work (higher frequency and volume than your motor and will be heard)

Loud pipes saves lives is about as lame as it gets... they do alienate people on the sidewalk however
I agree.....loud pipes annoy the public and turn more people against sport bikes, and ruin long I doubt they do much, if anything for safety. In fact sometimes I think they piss people off enough that they might mess with you more. I like more performance..but don't want to ruin my ride with ear splitting pipes. I'm looking for some performers that are still reasonable sound wise. And pipes don't have to be ridiculoud to perform  
By the way, do you know of a good aftermarket pipe that is not too loud?
Well so far I have had the Micron cans (throaty but not too loud) and now the TiForce Full system and it is quieter than the Micron slipons..

At the fall bash at the gap, there was only one pipe I heard that was what I would consider too loud for use and it was a Brock Megaphone. (of the member bikes)
HID lights and defensive driving will... also , get the 139Db Stebel horn...  

Loud pipes saves lives is about as lame as it gets... they do alienate people on the sidewalk however
Where can I go to find the:
HID lights &
139Db Stebel horn?
I still agree that the louder exhaust helps to be noticed, but you have a common point that I heard mentioned time and time again about the lights, but the horn. This is a first.
Thanks for the tip and would appreciate a link or some direction.
I like the TwoBros' Titanium canisters on my '08...not to annoying, but a nice, low rumble at idle, but really sounds sweet when you start crossing through 4-5,000 rpm. Not to mention, easy do-it-yourself install and less than $900 out the door!
