That is really it I think for a lot of the cagers out there with the High $$$ cars and are not really "Motorheads". They are just clueless. They buy the ZO6 Corvette and think they are fast. Well they are in the car world, they just really don't understand what is about to happen to them...Good stories!!! You'd be suprised that a lot of people do not get the the concept of power to weight ratio.
Then The rest, I think most of them just want to SEE YOU GO!!! They want to see it and hear it... That's all, they want a show.
I know from experiance that frequently the Cagers doing the sillystuff at the lights, just want to see you take off and go rocketing down the road, they know they aren't competition, they just want to see it.
Now it's the clueless fuggers in the $100K twin Turbo Porsches that are the most fun. Man they get downright steamed when you just wave bye Bye... and leave em' like they hit there brakes....
The only REALLY ANNOYING ones are the freaking Ricers in there POS 2003 Freaking Honda Accord, with the typical FART muffler and the rest of the plastic crap and lights bolted on... They are the ones that are just too stupid to get it... Especially the ones with Greddy, NOS, and Veilside stickers splattered around... They really seem to think they have something under the hood... They just don't get it...