New -vs- used

Hell yeah I dumpster dive!!

One man's trash is another man's treasure!!

EXCEPT a trashed bike. I think I prefer new vehicles now. It didn't really bother me until GJoker started saying "why buy someone else's problem?" Listen to that for 12 years and it will change your mind.
I am hoping that if I can't get a new Busa, that I'll be able to purchase one from a board member. Considering how obsessed y'all are with your scoots.

But if I don't know the person, I'd really have to think about buying used.
I've bought used when they had Antartica type pricing " as opposed to the mere winter type '  
and were obviously like new but the larger ticket bikes , new only .

Most times it's really really hard to get the dealers to let you take em home without being serviced


my philosphy when it comes to sport bikes ,sport quads, etc always buy new you never know what has been done to it and in most cases they are rode hard and put away wet my $.02
I would buy new if I could afford it.

I bought a used 2000 Red and Grey with 10,700 miles on it last June. Put 0ver 3,000 miles on it since then.

Not one problem.

Very proud to be a Hayabusa owner whether it is used or new!

To this day I have never had a problem with buying used vehicles.

The bike is rock solid at high speeds runs smooth and starts as if it was new.

The only problem is a tiny oil leak which amounts to a few drips between oil changes.

I was looking for new but found my '05 Bullet with 224 miles with a bunch of extras and just couldn't walk away. Been
ever since.
I am a highly mechanically inclined individual. I usually buy used bikes. I have owned about 10 bikes in the last 4 years. When i bought used I expected used. Of those 10 bikes, only 2 were new. My 02 F4i bought new in 2002 (total 4 months later
) and now my 06 Busa LE
I bought a used 02 Busa last year and the front lower forks were damaged. The guy apparently went down harder than he told me
. Well, on a nice slow ride, I hit a small (very small) rock in the street. The forks came apart at the lower section and nose dived the bike into the ground, sending me airborne without a chute
. Luckily I know how to correctly hit that 5th point of contact and walked away with only a missing pinky toenail (tennis shoes are no replacement for bike boots).
That is the only incident I have had thus far with used bikes...the end

I am cheap too and buy used, but will pickup that occassional cherry for a good popping
Lacking in the mechanically inclined department, I prefer and do buy "New bikes". Don't want to mess around with someone elses beat up left overs. Not to mention there is something about having a warranty that makes me sleep well at night...
i would say it depends on what your going to do if your going to build a bike to race it's really cheaper to buy used.sometimes you can find a bike that has a shifter,racing header,swingarm etc. basically the whole nine yards,for about have the price. unfortnately i wasn't smart enough to follow my own advice and bought a new bike to build, you know the motor,nos, swingarm bla bla bla total of about $19,000 and stiill going. lol
my riding partner just did the same mods for about $10,000, so i guess it just depends on your intention's and finances.