I am 6ft 7 When I replaced my helmet I went with the HJC RPS-10 and I started to get a violent helmet quiver at speeds of 150+
The helmet is the proper size for my head. I then purchased a Yana Shiki Type R wind shield that is the same as a double bubble
but half the cost. Its much better now since I can get in out of the window in a full lay down mode.
Yes I feel the wind hitting me as I ride but I ride a sport bike. My body postion changes with the speed I am traveling.
Straight back up to 60-65MPH slightly leaned over on the tank 75+ I am almost in a full lay on the tank mode at 125-140 and at 160+ I am in the paint on the tank looking thru the windshield
The helmet is the proper size for my head. I then purchased a Yana Shiki Type R wind shield that is the same as a double bubble
but half the cost. Its much better now since I can get in out of the window in a full lay down mode.
Yes I feel the wind hitting me as I ride but I ride a sport bike. My body postion changes with the speed I am traveling.
Straight back up to 60-65MPH slightly leaned over on the tank 75+ I am almost in a full lay on the tank mode at 125-140 and at 160+ I am in the paint on the tank looking thru the windshield