newbie down

awesome to hear you're ok
now what do you think you could learn from this?
is there anything you feel you could have done differently in this situation to avoid being rear ended?
(and obviously do not take this is being your fault, but you know we need to ride as if we ARE invisible)
man that is comforting knowing you made it out with a shacking up head. What kind of gear were you wearing? Glad you walked away. Plz be safe out there guys/gals.
Most importantly you're uninjured. I'm also a newer rider, had my first time with a car pulling out in front of me. Saw him the whole time, glad I was aware.

Thanks also for sharing your experiences, great reminder to the rest of us.
Any updates on how the insurance company is cooperating, etc? Glad to hear you walked away from this! :beerchug:
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the bike can be fixed or replaced... you are far more important.

Glad it turned out like it did.