is it just me.... or has anyone noticed the photochop that his photo is?
It has the ZX12R tank, ZX12R frame, ZX12R tank cover, ZX10R swingarm, ZX10R rims, ZX6R front cowl, ZX12R mirrors, ZX12R rearsets, ZX12R rotors, ZX12R front fender, ZX12R handlebars, etc... etc....
It's a massive mix of different Ninja bikes slopped together to make this "new model".
It's horsecrap.
This will not be a Busa beater... simply because it will not be a real bike, period.
Besides, the ZX12R has "checked" the busa since 2000. Hell, in the last few years most magazine tests have shown it to beat the Busa in top speed tests across the world. (see )
There is no need to build a "Busa Destroyer"... Kawasaki already has the Busa matched and with the gentleman's agreement.... that's the way both sides would like to keep it.
Notice how kawasaki and suzuki have given little focus to these bikes in the last 5 years... while the 600's and 1000's evolve practically every year!?
There's a new war going on... and it' ain't about top speed bragging rights like it was in the late 90's.
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