Newest cycle world

It is my imagination or does that bike look exactly like the 2005 Kawi Z750S, with a fairing!
is it just me.... or has anyone noticed the photochop that his photo is?

It has the ZX12R tank, ZX12R frame, ZX12R tank cover, ZX10R swingarm, ZX10R rims, ZX6R front cowl, ZX12R mirrors, ZX12R rearsets, ZX12R rotors, ZX12R front fender, ZX12R handlebars, etc... etc....

It's a massive mix of different Ninja bikes slopped together to make this "new model".

It's horsecrap.

This will not be a Busa beater... simply because it will not be a real bike, period.

Besides, the ZX12R has "checked" the busa since 2000. Hell, in the last few years most magazine tests have shown it to beat the Busa in top speed tests across the world. (see )

There is no need to build a "Busa Destroyer"... Kawasaki already has the Busa matched and with the gentleman's agreement.... that's the way both sides would like to keep it.

Notice how kawasaki and suzuki have given little focus to these bikes in the last 5 years... while the 600's and 1000's evolve practically every year!?

There's a new war going on... and it' ain't about top speed bragging rights like it was in the late 90's.

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The photo does appear to be photochoped:

All the mags agree that the busa is within 1 hp of the ZX12. They also agree that the busa makes more tq at a lower rpm which is what would really matter for speed not a 1.0 hp advantage in the very top end. And there was a also study that showed the hayabusa is way more aerodynamic and that the Zx12r didnt need a electronic limiter becuase it's aero sucked so bad.

And in all of those articles the Zx12r never toped the 99 hayabusa's record so hence there is a need to build a busa destroyer becuase the Zx12 never was good enough to "Destroy" anything.

Now lets see if some one actually bothered to take the time compile all the articles with the busa on top


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Iceman, why did you find it necessary to post your portrait?

Come on guys... there are half-truths in both posts. The 12 has about 10 hp on the Busa, the Busa about 10 ft/lbs over the 12. The top speed contests were crushed when BOTH bikes were governed (duhh, where ya been?)

Agreed, the Busa is more aerodynamic than the '00 12. But, even they still had electronic speed limiters, not to mention the kill-joy features on the new models.

How about some mutual respect for both bikes? The '02 and up models are both nearly identical in performance. We need to unite and focus on staying out front of the latest wave of 1000cc race replica's. They are clearly a threat to us both.
"Iceman, why did you find it necessary to post your portrait? "
Hey look it's Brakelate Another Zx12r guy, well at least there's truth in your post so i'm not gonna lable you a troll just yet

I'm a total noob to this board but I can smell a troll a mile away, did a quick search and sure enough:

On my previous post in response to phantom12's link I had said "Now lets see if some one actually bothered to take the time compile all the articles with the busa on top" well I guess somebody already did:



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if you don't own a Busa or at least want to own a Busa why would you be here
it doesn't make much sense to me, i do appreciate all motorcycles though, was just wondering, i'll shut up now
man, I remember when this was a NICE forum where we could discuss bikes without a bunch of freaks turning it into a mud slinging p*ssin contest. ahhhhhh those were the days.

do I HAVE to read the same boring stats in every post? gets old

This is still a Hayabusa sight, correct?
This is still a Hayabusa sight, correct?
No. The ZX12-R is taking everything away from the poor outdated Busa. Including this web site. Convert now or be lost forever!


J/K! You are right on the mark regarding the same old stats and arguments. I'm here for informative, fun interaction with other bike nuts like myself. But, all roads lead to the same age-old debates.

Someone find me a better ZX12 site and I will go there. Compliment or Insult? You decide.
i had a kawasaki once, my neighbors made me move, little ol ladies shot me a bird when they passed me, i got tickets for going too slow,i would park in a regular parking place and go in the store,when i returned someone always parked it in the handicap area, will work for food sign holders would give me money,my mom tried to abort me at 19, of course i'm kidding....right?.... really i like all bikes,no kidding
Perhaps in a drag race... but with the Samurai being lifted, geared, locked up and caged, it will crawl up the side of the house.  And when you get stuck, you just need one buddy to give you a hand.  

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