Nice ride through VA mountains

I can't deny, I like it up front. If even I'm not that familiar with the roads. I'm comfortable riding within my limits though they are probably below most other riders.

I like to know whats coming and handle it rather than fixating on the brake-lights and lean angle of those ahead.
Here I am... A knight in shining armor!

I'm sorry the guy went down Oracle...he's lucky, but his bike's going to need some's a beautiful Busa; hope he can get it back together soon...

...glad to see you guys got together...I'm jealous!  Wish I could have made it...I know that area fairly well...

Glad everyone made it home okay...looks like a great group!
Sorry VA... You will be invited next time fur sure!

I can't deny, I like it up front. If even I'm not that familiar with the roads. I'm comfortable riding within my limits though they are probably below most other riders.

I like to know whats coming and handle it rather than fixating on the brake-lights and lean angle of those ahead.
"below most other riders"

:drink: Have you been drinking??

You ride plenty fast my brotha. PLENTY!

Just checking the board for the first time since the ride yesterday and thought I'd throw in my $.02...
First of all the ride preceding the accident was a blast!  We had a lot of cool bikes (especially the busas) and a lot of cool people.  It's not often that I ride in a group that big and it was quite a sight to see all those sport bikes on the highway headed to Sperryville.

As for Mo and his fateful trip: When he first pulled up at I gave him some sh#* about the fact that he wasn't wearing any gear and that he had brought a passenger to our trip to Sperryville.  He commented that he was going to hang back and meet us at the top of the mountain once we hit the twisties.  I'm certainly not trying to defend his actions and certainly not his lack of gear :mad: but I do think the pack mentality played a role in coaxing him to go faster than he might have otherwise.  Also, the turn that he washed out on was a diminishing radius turn (is that the right term?) that has been the scene of several accidents before.  Again, not trying to defend him.... I just hate to see him get slammed to hard for a series of bad decisions on this particular day after nearly 4 years and 30k miles of riding and pimping out his baby.

Chris (chain-smoker) is gonna kill me if he's reading this, but... I'm still waiting to get spanked by one of those 600RRs.  I hear it all the time: "Yeah, the 'busas cool and all, but it's not made for the twisties."  Now I will concede that someday Chris and I will probably complete a run through some REALLY tight turns and I will have to shake his hand and admit defeat but we haven't found that road yet.  As long as there are a few straights or '45m.p.h.' sweepers I have no problem at all reeling him in and showing him my tail lights!

BTW, Samurai, I've seen you ride bro, and I'm with the Ripper on this one... You have plenty of speed and skill!

Crap Rip........that sucks.........glad he's OK though.......good to hear you had an awesome day otherwise. :beerchug: look tired in that outta start excercising. :tounge: :tounge: :wink: :wink:
u said he scraped his peg.. i notice he still has his curb feelers on the pegs.. TAKE THOSE DAMN THINGS OFF! they are like an inch and a half or so.. i know sunday when our group was coming down from big bear i had the balls of my feet up on my pegs but must've had my toes pointed outward a little and dragged a toe.. love my sidi's.... but at least the rider is ok and learned.. and remember RIDE UR OWN RIDE!!! if the group isnt gonna stop now and then to wait up for the slower riders to catch up they arent worth riding with!
Wow, that sucks. I hate it that such a highly spoken of guy went down. Especially after all that time & money were invested into such a beatiful machine. Not trying to beat the guy up, but you can get a bit too comfortable after riding for some time. Scraping pegs in a T-shirt & jeans are what a lot to newbs go out and do. By reading it appears that he had a passenger on at the time? If so, then wow. My .02.
Just checking the board for the first time since the ride yesterday and thought I'd throw in my $.02...
First of all the ride preceding the accident was a blast!  We had a lot of cool bikes (especially the busas) and a lot of cool people.  It's not often that I ride in a group that big and it was quite a sight to see all those sport bikes on the highway headed to Sperryville.

As for Mo and his fateful trip: When he first pulled up at I gave him some sh#* about the fact that he wasn't wearing any gear and that he had brought a passenger to our trip to Sperryville.  He commented that he was going to hang back and meet us at the top of the mountain once we hit the twisties.  I'm certainly not trying to defend his actions and certainly not his lack of gear :mad: but I do think the pack mentality played a role in coaxing him to go faster than he might have otherwise.  Also, the turn that he washed out on was a diminishing radius turn (is that the right term?) that has been the scene of several accidents before.  Again, not trying to defend him.... I just hate to see him get slammed to hard for a series of bad decisions on this particular day after nearly 4 years and 30k miles of riding and pimping out his baby.

Chris (chain-smoker) is gonna kill me if he's reading this, but... I'm still waiting to get spanked by one of those 600RRs.  I hear it all the time: "Yeah, the 'busas cool and all, but it's not made for the twisties."  Now I will concede that someday Chris and I will probably complete a run through some REALLY tight turns and I will have to shake his hand and admit defeat but we haven't found that road yet.  As long as there are a few straights or '45m.p.h.' sweepers I have no problem at all reeling him in and showing him my tail lights!

BTW, Samurai, I've seen you ride bro, and I'm with the Ripper on this one... You have plenty of speed and skill!

"decreasing radius" bro... But, you were close. And, talking about that curve... I forgot to mention that the statie that showed up to file the accident said that 7 bikes had wrecked on that very curve in the last 6 months. He said that there were more wrecks on that curve, than any other. 2 People died also.

As far as Chris goes, he is a lot of mouth about the 600RR, but he is very entertaining. If you would get your butt in gear and head to Schwantz with me...
Crap Rip........that sucks.........glad he's OK though.......good to hear you had an awesome day otherwise. :beerchug: look tired in that outta start excercising. :tounge:  :tounge:  :wink:  :wink:
I was tired... Very tired. That pic was the end of the day! But, as hot as I was, I wouldn't consider a ride like that without the leather covering my bod!

Hopefully... With all of that leather on, I won't live up to my name, Rip.
Just checking the board for the first time since the ride yesterday and thought I'd throw in my $.02...
First of all the ride preceding the accident was a blast!  We had a lot of cool bikes (especially the busas) and a lot of cool people.  It's not often that I ride in a group that big and it was quite a sight to see all those sport bikes on the highway headed to Sperryville.

As for Mo and his fateful trip: When he first pulled up at I gave him some sh#* about the fact that he wasn't wearing any gear and that he had brought a passenger to our trip to Sperryville.  He commented that he was going to hang back and meet us at the top of the mountain once we hit the twisties.  I'm certainly not trying to defend his actions and certainly not his lack of gear :mad: but I do think the pack mentality played a role in coaxing him to go faster than he might have otherwise.  Also, the turn that he washed out on was a diminishing radius turn (is that the right term?) that has been the scene of several accidents before.  Again, not trying to defend him.... I just hate to see him get slammed to hard for a series of bad decisions on this particular day after nearly 4 years and 30k miles of riding and pimping out his baby.

Chris (chain-smoker) is gonna kill me if he's reading this, but... I'm still waiting to get spanked by one of those 600RRs.  I hear it all the time: "Yeah, the 'busas cool and all, but it's not made for the twisties."  Now I will concede that someday Chris and I will probably complete a run through some REALLY tight turns and I will have to shake his hand and admit defeat but we haven't found that road yet.  As long as there are a few straights or '45m.p.h.' sweepers I have no problem at all reeling him in and showing him my tail lights!

BTW, Samurai, I've seen you ride bro, and I'm with the Ripper on this one... You have plenty of speed and skill!

Oh no doubt, it has to absolutely blow to lay down your $30K??? Machine. I feel for the poor guy, I really do. I have experianced my share of reducing radius corners in Colorado, one in particular was really deceptive. So I know how deceptive they can be and the Survival reactions that tend to screw you over. So maybe I am being a bit harsh.

But what it sorta stunk of was $30k spent for Blinging, no time spent actually learning the realities of motorcycling, no practicing, no planning you know? The "HollyWood" helmet was pretty much the tip off... I mean as riders we have got to be able to think and make choices on our own, and that is something that comes with miles under wheels, not hype...

I am still feeling for the guy though, I mean crap happens and it's really got to hurt when you spent all them bones making the thing pretty... I'd be pretty sick to my stomach...
I'm sorry the guy went down Oracle...he's lucky, but his bike's going to need some's a beautiful Busa; hope he can get it back together soon...

...glad to see you guys got together...I'm jealous!  Wish I could have made it...I know that area fairly well...

Glad everyone made it home okay...looks like a great group!
Sorry VA...  You will be invited next time fur sure!

Hey Oracle, count me in next time.

Postal. :cool:
I'm sorry the guy went down Oracle...he's lucky, but his bike's going to need some's a beautiful Busa; hope he can get it back together soon...

...glad to see you guys got together...I'm jealous!  Wish I could have made it...I know that area fairly well...

Glad everyone made it home okay...looks like a great group!
Sorry VA...  You will be invited next time fur sure!

Hey Oracle, count me in next time.

Postal.  :cool:
no worries mate. Consider yourself counted.


u said he scraped his peg.. i notice he still has his curb feelers on the pegs.. TAKE THOSE DAMN THINGS OFF! they are like an inch and a half or so.. i know sunday when our group was coming down from big bear i had the balls of my feet up on my pegs but must've had my toes pointed outward a little and dragged a toe.. love my sidi's.... but at least the rider is ok and learned.. and remember RIDE UR OWN RIDE!!! if the group isnt gonna stop now and then to wait up for the slower riders to catch up they arent worth riding with!
I agree totally with you about the group waiting down the road for slower guys. That is why I prefer to ride in a group of 5 max. This group was 20+ peoples. It was fun, but the "pack" definitely adds some to your drive to go faster.

Next time, I would break into 4 or 5 man groups... And, ask anyone who is gonna ride 2-up to take up the rear. To give Mo some credit, most of the day he was riding tailend.

Be careful out there fellas... And, don't let your pride bite ya!

<span style='color:royalblue'></span>

I feel for the poor guy, I really do.  I have experianced my share of reducing radius corners in Colorado...

D E C R E A S I N G radius...

SHEESH!  You guys are driving me nutz!

JK :wink:
OK Smart guy...Having a rough day???

While I have heard corners that tighten as you travel through them referred to as D E C R E A S I N G radius... I will claim the right of Geographic disparity in language.  It may be a regional thing, sort of like Soda or Pop.  Are they not interchangeable, yes it may be provincial, but regardless of origin it means similar things to all types of folks based on its common usage.  

So, to imply that one's usage of a term is incorrect due to your own ignorance of possible variations and your insistence that there is only one correct term possible, demonstrates a rather narrow experience base and implies that you SIR...need to get out more... :eek:

<span style='color:orangered'>re·duce    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (r-ds, -dys)
v. re·duced, re·duc·ing, re·duc·es
v. tr.
1.To bring down, as in extent, amount, or degree; diminish. See Synonyms at decrease.

2 To bring to a humbler, weaker, difficult, or forced state or condition; especially:
3 To gain control of; conquer: “a design to reduce them under absolute despotism†(Declaration of Independence).
4 To subject to destruction: Enemy bombers reduced the city to rubble.
5 To weaken bodily: was reduced almost to emaciation.
6 To sap the spirit or mental energy of.
7 To compel to desperate acts: The Depression reduced many to begging on street corners.</span><span style='color:royalblue'></span>

I especially like number seven...Seems to describe more the character of a reducing radius corner than the corner itself...

Compel to desperate acts...Yeah thats it....