I still can't believe it happened, I went out on the busa last night because I just can't stand to let here sit there, keep in mind its 35 degrees, and so my wife says she wants to go also, we leave no big deal its had time to warm up so I get in it and we blast off, Wonder how it gives you that feeling every single time. We get to town I make my deposit and we head back. Theres a road on the way home thats a mile and a half straight and I'm in it, no biggy either do it all the time and my wife loves it, hit about 100 something and guess my chain snaps, and that was the first thing that ran through my head. Thank god that my rear wheel is free because a lock up at that speed doesn't sound fun at all. So I coast back to the road that turns to my house with the wonderful yet horrible smell of anti-freeze and oh yes oil running through my nose. Get it home and in the garage and check out the damage. Chain has gashed my swing arm, and wrapped itself very tight around the front sprocket, which the expanded chain reached out and broke the water pump and then jacked up some stuff on the gears, I would suppose because I can't shift at all or hardly move the shifter. I do have picks and will be sure to post then asap, there were medal chunks falling out all over the place, I'm about sick as a dog right now, that bike is my baby, I'm sure you know how I feel. Any clue on how much it will cost, might be easier after you have pics. Anything like this happened to you all.