aother notable points here are...
1. most of thhe folks who are championing Fords F150 have never owned a Titan where many of those championing Nissans New Titan did in fact used to own a Ford...and truck for truck?...The Titan flat out kicks the Fords azz...from a man who's owned both..and especially no comparison in quality fit and finish...oh...the ford may be a tad more "stylish looking" inside but...look under the hood...because it's there where you can truely see that most everything in the fords "under hood layout" looks like an after-thought where you can tell at a glance in the titans motorwell that everything was well planned and thought out long before the first two pieces were joined together...he11...Ijust changed the oil in the titan for the first time yesterday and it's 4 10mm hex heads to drop the splash pan....and the oil filters right there...low, front and center...and get this...just under the filter is an "Oil Sillway/Drain/Runoff" welded right to the frame so when ya spin off the old oil filter?...all that oil that used to run down your hand/arm/ratchet now flows right down the spillway and into your drainpan....neat!
2. I also recently learned that the Titans 5.6L engine is straight out of the Infinity Q45...whichwas a hellified engine itself at 4.5L...then punched out and steel sleeved to a 5.6L for the Titan...6 Bolt Mains....super high rise composite intake manifold w/ ultra long cross-ports for greatly increased torque...he11...the Titans 5.6L reminds of what the 5.7 TBI in my old '89 Chevy Stepside should've been..same meaty growl but with far more linear power and far more of it.
oh and dennis? always has been known for hellified over-built rear's just the rest of the truck that falls apart around it. LOL!
L8R, Bill.