

Great all around!
NJ's truely a Man among friends.

His gestures never cease to amaze me.
What a great guy! I'm always amazed at the generosity of people on this board. This is such a cool place to hang out and meet good people!
(BlondeOnaBusa @ Mar. 04 2007,20:59) What a great guy! I'm always amazed at the generosity of people on this board. This is such a cool place to hang out and meet good people!
GREAT people!

Ive hung with Doyle from the begining on this thing. The jacket is just one SMALL thing Paul has done or offered.
I hope you will make it to the bash, I cant wait to meet you in person.
wow!! awesome NJ... couldn't have been a better gift
wow NJ...employee of the month!

great job do we have to get'im Jessica Simpleton?

nahhh...I seen yo' wifey man-you're all good!
Great stuff NJ!!! I hope to be able to GIVE at least half as much as you do some day!
and i'd be a sad individual if i didn't add a condensed summary of what NJ did for me and finances took a real bad downturn just before the holidays...and after letting it be known that i DESPERATELY NEEDED to sell several of my personal firearms quickly?...just to drum up enough cash to play santa for my three daughters? was NJ to the rescue...offering to buy them all and even offering the condition that i could buy them back at a later time if i was able or if i so desired to do so..and then?...he western unioned me a very healthy deposit on said firearms...which i blew playing santa...and low and behold?...when it rains it pours...1 week after christmas (still during my kids holidays off from school) our Primary Living Room Family TV smoked out on us...and NJ sent me a very short worded pm that simply read...

"Sounds Like Ya Need More Money"

and the next day?....


I hadta drive into town to swing by western union pick up more funds sent by NJ so I could buy my family a new follows...



I owe this guy...big time...and i'm willing to do anything i can for him...i was raised a poor single white boy...but if i could've choosen a brother?....NJ would definantly be first my eyes?...he could rival Ghandi for the Nobel Peace Prize...out of shear humanitarianism.

Semper Fi Paul and...L8R, Bill.
wow..... I'm speechless

NJ I salute you...

This kinda stuff is what has me visiting this website every single day....