No clutch


I recently rremove the slave / sprocket cover to clean now I have no clutch, tried bleeding for about 1 hour no bubbles just fluids but no clutch.???
That i s exactly what I was going to ask...
what does it feel like when you pull the clutch in? If the clutch lever is very easy to pull then you might not have the rod installed, if it's hard then the clutch slave piston may be sticking.
clutch rod is in, slave not cracked, seem as if clutch lever won't build up enought pressure to push slave cylinder over. Took it off held in my hand cylinder barely moved .:banghead:
Are you sure there are no leaks? and you could possibly need to bleed it better.
try this fill the master cylinder ,zip tie the lever to the grip and walk away till tomorrow , you just might find it will work
Yeah, that's a tough one to bleed out. Glad you finally got it.
