No Speed limiter

DaveO already does the PC mods if you want to raise the ECU limiter...
So doesn't that solve the problem anyway? Do we know for sure what the limiter is? a timing retard or something else?
What problem...?

Are you talking about the Top Speed/RPM governor in 6th gear or the Rev limiter on the engine? The TRE is complete junk and I would never put one on another bike. Do the GPS mod and be done with it...
ok... so where do I get this said GPS mod and how can i knock that dang top speed restrictor off?
It was the the Top Speed/RPM governor in 6th gear I was after. Like Notorious I want toknow about the GPS mod - if that is what gets rid of the top speed restriction!  Don't really want a TRE - they mess up the gear indicator anyway and I've had them on bikes before - with no noticable effect.

IS there also a rev limiter in the other gears?  I guess that is what the Power Commander ingnition module overrides.  But what you sau suggests there is also another form of limiter in 6th to keep top speed to 186mph.  So that is what the GPS mod is for?  Does it involve chipping the engine management system - i.e. sending it away?  I'm in the UK so I think I might spend quite a while off the road waiting for transatlantic mail!



I think I'm going to put my bike back on the dyno for a top speed run. That will at least tell us if/what speed we are restricted to (aerodynamics not included).
I think I'm going to put my bike back on the dyno for a top speed run.  That will at least tell us if/what speed we are restricted to (aerodynamics not included).
That would be interesting.  What we also need to know is how is 6th gear restricted... does it retard at a certain rev limit?  Does the ginition system cut one or more cylinders?  Is it comtrolled via the speedo?  Or is it a fuelling restriction.  Oddly although PC are developing an addon ignition module which can be used to up the rev limit in all gears selectively the guy who emailed me said we would still need a TRE to overcome the 6th gear limit.  Not sure if that is based on an assumption that the top speed restriction is controlled the same way on the MkII as it is on the MkI, or on actual knowledge of how it works.

And wat is the GPS fix?  Please someone tell me!!!!
Are we talking gear position sensor here?

What we need is some inside info from Suzuki.....


You guys should live in Brazil... cops see you fly by and almost waive because they love motorcycles...

Though we do have some speed radars that will take pictures of your plate, you get busted every now and then - of course these radars can only get you if you are doing less than 130 mph - more than that and the picture taken lacks your plate or is not even measured properly.
It was the same way in Bosnia.
Everybody is in love with Motorcycles in that country and the surroundings.
Had people taking pictures from tourbuses when I was going slow enough to let them get their cameras out. Otherwise I would always be flying by.

How do you ride a Busa in Brazil? I read that the roads are not too good.