Not fun

I think my tensioner just went bye bye . Pulled up to a light and the engine just stopped abruptly, I hit the starter button and was treated to a clattering racket. I thought maybe it was the starter but when I
put it in gear and rolled it forward I got the same clattering sound. I have a 99 with about 14,000 mi, recall done. I guess its back to the old reliable beemer for a while.
jimjib- The usefullness of an extended warranty depends largely on the skill of the service consultant at the dealership who administrates it on your behalf. One wrong word can screw you out of an engine, and you would probably never know why. It is very important that you trust the dealership's service consultant. If you have any "funny feelings" about him, dump him and get another. It's hell trying to un-screw and extended warranty claim that has been screwed up by a ham-handed service consultant. A real red flag is when the service consultant says that he "hates" extended warranty claims. If he uses the word "wear" when he's talking to them, you're done. If he lies about ANYTHING, you are in danger. That includes lies that appear to be for your benefit. A lot of consultants are weak of character and will lie when under stress in an attempt to avoid conflict. If for example you dented your header riding off a curb and he replaces it "under warranty", then he is stealing from the manufacturer in order to make the profit on a job without having to look you in the eye and tell you how much it's really going to cost. If he is stealing from the manufacturer, then he has a fundamental character flaw that will cost you money sooner or later, and I don't just mean that he will steal from you too. I am offering this information for anyone that will benefit from it. I don't mean to imply that you have a problem or that you will have a problem. I wish you the best. It will probably come out just fine.