You guys and your paranoia has been money in the bank for me. Keep up the good work!
While Thomas Jefferson was a key player in the American Revolution and deserves respect for the role he played, let's not put him on too high a pedestal. Let's not forget he also thought it was fine to own other people whose skin color was different than his.
Not exactly a beacon of morality.
Whoa there partner. It's one thing to be opposed to an idea, it's quite another to let that opposition ostracize you and hinder your business. During Jefferson's time, slavery was as normal and acceptable as owning a tractor. Yes, it's a sad sad history that we endured, but to condemn the man for having owned slaves is simply an unfair criticism during the times. Washington owned slaves too, and he was perhaps one of the most honorable and righteous men in American history. Both Jefferson and Washington freed slaves bit during their lifetime and posthumously. And historical record shows that Jefferson was perhaps one of the more benevolent slave owners of his time.
If you want to discuss morality, you have to first have an idea what times were like during the early days of this country. Morality is entirely subjective and has changed quite drastically over the years.
So in your opinion the importance of morality is inversely proportional to how much money can be earned by overlooking such basic tenets such as "all men are created equal"? The slope is pretty slippery from that point to Enron, Worldcom, BP, Union Carbide, and countless other entities and individuals whose morality is adjustable on a sliding scale when it comes to being "competitive".
Thomas Jefferson himself wrote "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".
I guessing the disclaimer that this statement didn't apply to those men Jefferson owned solely to provide a comfortable life for himself got edited out of the original Declaration of Independence?
Hypocracy in its purest form.
Again I don't think the average gangbanger knows how to properly load a die in a press or has one. Not that they can't learn but most of the people shooting up our streets are idiots .
So if I understand your "times we live in" justification for adjusting definitions of right and wrong to suit our personal situations, if the business next door to mine employs illegal immigrants (it does), then I should as well (I don't)? After all, 90% of the restaurant business utilizes illegal immigrant labor.
Throughout history slavery has been commonplace and only in the last 200 years has it actually been called into question. First by Great Britain and followed shortly by the United States. The States were born from slavery and we are poorer for having experienced it to be sure. But it is unfair to gauge a man based on the morals we hold today. Much like we don't hold women accountable to standards of yesteryear when displaying the ankle was pornographic in nature.It is not my intent to harass you. I'm just struggling to understand this philosopy because I can't resolve in my mind how at any point in the history of the human race it should be considered okay to "own" another person.
my tin foil hat isnt enough in these troublesome times so i upgraded....