Obamacare is unconstitutional

This is what I had in mind.

I am a retired ophthalmologist. I would love to see the private insurance companies go the way of the dinosaurs. The executives and their cronies skim a lot off to top, not including claim denials and preexisting conditions. I say Medicare for all, and send the physicians and durable medical equipment providers committing fraud to jail and monetary penalties.
The government needs to put controls on drug costs in the USA, or at least give us better pricing as exists in Canada and European countries.
Health care should to a large part should be an altruisitic business, and while providers should be remunerated at reasonable rates, there are too many corporate whores trying so suck the life blood from already impoverished citizens
Pharma lobyists with payouts for politicians' campaigns is surely a conflict of interests. A win-win for big business and politicians, but a royal screw job on the American public.
I am a retired ophthalmologist. I would love to see the private insurance companies go the way of the dinosaurs. The executives and their cronies skim a lot off to top, not including claim denials and preexisting conditions. I say Medicare for all, and send the physicians and durable medical equipment providers committing fraud to jail and monetary penalties.
The government needs to put controls on drug costs in the USA, or at least give us better pricing as exists in Canada and European countries.
Health care should to a large part should be an altruisitic business, and while providers should be remunerated at reasonable rates, there are too many corporate whores trying so suck the life blood from already impoverished citizens
Pharma lobyists with payouts for politicians' campaigns is surely a conflict of interests. A win-win for big business and politicians, but a royal screw job on the American public.

And you believe the organazation responsible for running Social Security,
Freddie and Fanny, and running the deficit into record trillions (and this is before
health care passes) is capable of this and making healthcare more...affordable
and efficient...WOW.

And you don't think the govt' "cronies skim a lot off to top"...like they left
Social Security alone right...
They all have their agenda, but Fox is not even trying to look unbiased. They are RIDICULOUS. I couldn't care less, I have no side, and I can't stand to watch Fox news for more than a couple minutes.
Even though I don't watch Fox news... How do you suppose I could tell that you do?

Let's not start to get personal please MET
Because I'm sane? I know Florida has had some issues with education, but you take the cake. :poke:

Let's not start to get personal please MET
And you believe the organazation responsible for running Social Security,
Freddie and Fanny, and running the deficit into record trillions (and this is before
health care passes) is capable of this and making healthcare more...affordable
and efficient...WOW.

And you don't think the govt' "cronies skim a lot off to top"...like they left
Social Security alone right...

I agree with you on this point. We need to do an over hall of the medicare system check sand balances. Many people in government also need to be given the axe when they are responsible for waste and fraud and bad management. My thoughts on running government would be to get rid of all lobbyists and an official can only serve for one term, so they don't have to worry where the next election war chest comes from, and create laws based on common sense and not from their own pocketbooks.
I have expressed no opinion, and have remained completely neutral. So I would guess that is how you suspected that I wouldn't watch Fox. Conversely, the opposite is how I was able to make my determination about your choice of information sources.
careful, avoid personal attacks ... just saying...

Nothing personal, I made an observation about a well known political problem in a political thread. It has been a matter of national news for years that the Florida education system is sub standard.
learn something new every day....


Told ya. I wasn't making anything up, just calling it like it is. I'll admit my comment was a little harsh, and if he had his feelings hurt then I apologize.

I sincerely hope it takes more to hurt his feelings than that. If it makes him feel better, he can insult my ancestry and I promise not to cry.
Floridas education system does suck bigtime.
They have my 11yr old daughter so confused she dont know which way to go.
In the beginning it was announced next yr all kids right down to 1st grade would have up tp 5 diff teachers a day as kids in high school do. Then they dropped that.
In the middle of the yr they started strict line teaching where very day every school every class same grade was doing same. Next day didnt matter if some got it or not they were directed to move on. My daughter got so far behind it ws crazy. As well did others.
We went to so many school board hearings and finally now they changed that...mid yr..

Its FFFFFFFd up down here and I feel sorry for Kathy as in 5th grade they teach her nada anywhere near close to what I had.
I went to public schools in TN thru 5th grade.
By 5th grade we knew states, capitols, presidents, certain songs and the anthem as well as the pledge.
They teach them nothing here. I dont know about other states.
I see it as a purposeful dumming down of next gens so they will not question what we already know they will be strapped with.
Dude, I hate to hear that. We all want the best for our kids. All I can say is do the best you can to teach her as much as you can to try to help her out. Sort of a hybrid public/home school situation.