No... it's because FOX News isn't real news.
It's entertainment news from the perspective of the Extremist Right. And its net effect is to serve as a mouthpiece for the Red Team. All one has to do is listen to the diatribe railings from O'Rielly, Beck, or any number of those extremists that Fox has serving as alleged "news anchors" to understand this.
If it is indeed "most watched" statistically, it's likely due to the entertainment value.
Fox News is a far, far cry from the catch-phrase they like to hide behind, "fair and balanced". Shyeah, right. Sure it is.
If they had a single hair, they would renamed themselves to accurately reflect their reporting, something like "Fox Republican News Entertainment", or some such. There are a gazillion examples out on the intardwebs that demonstrate that Fox News is indeed basically working for the communications department of a certain political party. I am sure all the extremest right members of .oRg will howl and cry that this isn't so.... but anyone with clear thinking who sees the facts can draw their own conclusions.
But MSNBC is the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, right? SOMEBODY's got to counter the ridiculous leftist diatribe coming from THAT channel...