
I know Gen 1 and Gen 2nhave replacement kits. I have yet to find and Gen 3 kits from Suzuki. I would hate to source all the steels and frictions separately and paybthe markup on each piece....... Also who all has done the OEclutch on these bikes? How long did they last? Pic for reference

I'm curious to know. I'd like a steels and fibers kit as well. Although I'm dumping this whole silly assembly and going with something a little more dependable.
Yes Sir. My gear sensor failed on my ‘08 and when they replaced it I had them replace the clutch. At 80K miles they said it was practically new but replaced it anyway. I don’t drag race and I clutchless shift , so I guess my clutches hold up.
Not sure if this will help but brocks has a conversation install for the gen 3 to gen 2 clutch pack on YouTube I'm guessing the gen 3 gremlin are effecting the shifting