Officer Hottie has not returned my call.


While Officer Hottie is a major babe and therefor I did not mind having her as a motorcycle ornament, she does not belong to me. I just invited her because she seemed to show an interest. Too bad. I would take here again. She was a really good passenger, and she said that this would not be the last time that I saw her on my bike (she said this before the wreck).
The most frustrating thing, at least for those of us on the dating scene, is that chicks come over and say... "Oh what a nice bike" and I'm thinking.... "Ya 1300cc baby". And she goes.. "I like the color" (its the copper). THE COLOR!!!!???, ITS ONE OF THE FASTEST THINGS A CIVILIAN CAN OWN!!! And some actually look at my friends bike and go.. I like the red better. That is a 98 ZX7R.

But guys come over and drool all over the bike :( which is cool but they are the wrong crowd.

The day a chick comes up and says Oh My God is that a Hayabusa, I'm marrying her :)
I may need female advice. What do you guys normally do when you invite a non-riding female police officer to go on a Sunday ride with you and one of your buddys trys to show off and blows a red light with Officer Hottie on back and rear ends another bike?
First I'd really question the buddy part. I also kind of wonder what kind of moron does something like that with officer on back with as much bad press as we get already. How happy was officer hottie with being invited along, then getting past around to your buddies? Just my .02 on matter.
The kind of buddy that talks Officer Hottie off of the back of my bike and onto his five year old ZX-9, then trys to impress her by doing 150mph on a bald tire, passing against the double yellow, and finally blows a red light and skids into the back of the lead bike, spilling four people and two bikes. You know, the usual. It sounds like both bikes are totalled. The R1 was brand new. Hadn't even made the first payment. License plate hadn't come yet. I don't know how she feels about it because to restate, she has not returned my call.
Jack, I'm sorry. It's still pre-coffee here, and I didn't read your post correctly. She is an adult and made her own choice to get on the back of the other bike. I wasted 30 minutes of breath having the "safety talk" that apparently went largely ignored. I only promised Officer Hottie that I would make sure that I did not abuse her trust. I made sure that she understood that my rear seat was available to her for the entire trip. I can't make others behave, I can only advise.

[This message has been edited by Kirk (edited 29 July 2000).]
Was she injuried or only scared to death? Do you have address or only phone. Maybe a visit is in order.
Lanta- Nobody is screwed. He did not do us any favors as far as our relationship with the police bureau, but he is not a dumbass. He made some errors in judgement under the duress of having a blindingly attractive young lady on the back of his bike. His bike is totalled, he is now the owner of a brand new totalled R1, and he is beating himself up much worse than anyone else could. We all take risks. He just took too many.
Nobody would let on to being injured at the scene, but it was apparent that the offending rider broke his hand. The passenger on the R1 went to the hospital yesterday because she was still sore, and was diagnosed with bruised ribs. I left a phone message for Officer Hottie at the desk at Central Precint, and followed up with a birthday card that included my phone number. She turned 29 on Wednesday. I am not going to stalk her. She knows how to get ahold of me if she wants to talk.
Sounds like you've done about all you can. Did not mean for you to stalk, only a visit to show concern over her well being. To make sure she was OK. Don't we have any women on this board to help you out! Out of my area, never have figured them out!
Sounds like several folks are screwed to me. You, as she's not calling you back, the "buddy" who acted reckless with Hottie on back and totalled his bike(s), and the poor guy who used to own a new R1(as well as bruised ribs passenger).

I rode her all the way to the coast. I didn't wreck her, and I offered her a safe place to sit on the way back, too. It was her decision to get on the ZX-9.

[This message has been edited by Kirk (edited 29 July 2000).]
My guess is that you won't get a call back for at least 6 weeks--the time it will take for the bruised ribs to stop sending her painful reminders.
My regular riding buddy is a state prison guard. His woman hangs off for him while they are railing on his 2000 R1. And I mean with sparks flying off the peg feelers. She is so comfortable on the bike, that when we are on our way home from Starbucks in the wee hours of the morning, she will lay down on his back while he is tucked, and she falls asleep. She is also 19 years old and a major babe. He should marry her.
"buddy" pulling that kind of bonehead moves while riding in a group.... with a passenger on board too? Time to ride with someone else. Clowns like that are just a bloody smudge waiting to happen.
