Officer Hottie has not returned my call.

My wife rides with me some and is Ok as a passenger. My oldest daughter rides with me the most and goes with the flow pretty good, but not excellant. Youngest daughter is best passenger I ever rode with. You can not tell she is there. No wiggly around, no sliding into me at stops, no fighting the turns, just an excellant passenger. Some are just born to ride and some just never quite get it.
hayabusagsxr1300r- My father's family is from San Marcos. You are right about the guy thing. It is probably going to be unpopular for me to say this, but I think that most men quit developing courage in approaching the fairer sex at about puberty. When we were in Tahoe, the other guys would make comments and generally act like children around pretty girls, and they would just about die when I would walk right up to them and tell them that we just rode 750 miles to come give pretty girls rides on our bikes, and would they like to go. My bike is not my pimp, and it is not my male reproductive organ. Some of your questions would be uncomfortable for me to discuss on an on-line bulletin board, but you are the kind of person that the inquiry was directed at, and I would like to get your thoughts. Do you have e-mail? Mine is

[This message has been edited by Kirk (edited 31 July 2000).]
Well if you were out on a sunday ride with someone that don't ride bikes, and she was on the hayabusa for the first time, then she was probably ready for a break.She may have caused the crash,OOOOOOOOO.......
Just a female point of view. It sounds like you are a responsible rider that went way out of your way to make her more than comfortable with the whole trip (not a typical guy thing in my realm).
...(1) are you available to date this woman or is this a friend thing?
...(2) does she even like bikes??? big??? We either love them or hate them, not a lot in between.
...(3) IF she does like bikes, You are single/available, and She still chose to ride with the other...LET IT GO. It could mean she is interested in the other guy or she is playing all of you. I don't necessarily like the idea that she switched bikes mid-trip. She broke my code...I don't care how much I might like to meet someone else, if I start in one Mustang or on one bike, that is where my butt stays for the duration of the event.
...(4) if you are so wrapped up in this one (and it does sound like lust), figure out her work schedule, ask her to lunch and bring her flowers (not the whole shop...1/2 doz is good)...usually works. Let her know you would prefer to have her ride with you in the future.

Better edit that statement "The day a chick comes up and says Oh My God is that a Hayabusa..."...there are more women out there like me than you realize.

The most frustrating thing, at least for me, is that guys expect me to go up to them. Example: new black corvette last night on SW Military Drive follows me and my friend in my Mustang to Brooks AFB, parks directly behind us, talks about us (we can hear them), we did say hello when they parked so we did open a door to them, but they leave after about 30 minutes of drooling...whats up with that? And then there was the swarm of bikes that surrounded us in traffic and talked back & forth to each other about who was going to get me to ride with them...did I mention I was never asked to go with any of them? I was raised ask the women to go out. I will not climb all over a guy just because his ride is "pretty". Watch out for those that do...they are flavors of the week for all to play with. Every weekend I watch all the bikes around here and many times wish I could go for a ride...but I don't do the little black skirt that shows the t-back with the halter top that conveniently comes untied thing...maybe that's where I am going wrong but at least the guys have some respect for me as a person. Next time one of the "chicks" says something about liking the other guys red bike better...tell her your sorry you couldn't coordinate your bikes color with her moods.

If they don't understand the power, they will never understand the passion either.
Kirk, take busa1300's advice. Send flowers. Do not write anything assertive on the card, maybe something like "thinking of you," or whatever works for your personality.

She has to make the choice to follow up with you. If not, oh well, if so, I'll send you a bill.

Hayabusa1300: I am in love with you. I appreciate you candor and what you said. I have experienced all of the looks and the comments with my bike and if I see a woman that I would like to take for a ride, then I do the odd thing, I ask politely.

To this point I am running 100% closeure rate, 1 ride.
Kirk: Just got back online. I have been in Kerrville, TX for a Site Managers Meeting since the 31st...lets just say the laptop decided to go on strike. ANY UPDATES...?
email: (sorry, thought it was in my profile)

Factory: Noticed your out of Dallas, you wouldn't be going to Ennis,TX Oct 6-8 by any chance?

Ikers: Next time I am in Dayton...
sounds like your selective on your passengers. :)

ECS33: I would hope a rider wouldn't carry a passenger unless they could compensate for the inexperience.
Negative. Some Central Precinct guys said that they hadn't seen her in a little while. I really hope that she is not off injured. She did have some work stuff that she was dealing with that was a wee bit more stressful than a motorcycle accident. Let's just say that she had to do something that none of us ever wants to do. I just started seeing an extremely young lady, and I can only do one thing at a time, so I think that I will let this die a natural death for now.

[This message has been edited by Kirk (edited 07 August 2000).]
hayabusaGSX1300R - I'll be in East Texas at the NTNOA (North Texas Norton Owners Association) bike rally that weekend. It's a bunch of European antique bike enthusiasts. We camp out at Lake O' The Pines - build a great big bon fire and have a great time.