oil change


Hey guys! Don't post often but I read alot. I tried to find out about the types of oil that would be best for my next oil change? I live in a cold climate and I am getting ready for the spring/summer season and was looking at synthetic. Any comments? 5/30, 10/30

Probably the most discussed topic on this board or any moto board w/ an endless amount of threads and info.
Oh...and welcome aboard.
10-40 for the summer and most winter temps...just how cold you talkin'?
-20 c to 30 c = 10W-30
-20 c to 40+ c = 10W-40, 10W-50
-15 c to 40+ c = 15W-40, 15W-50
-10 c to 40+ c = 20W-50

Hayabusa Service Manual
Thanks for the replys. It gets cold in the winter, -40 or -50. In the summer though it can go to +35, celsius of course, I'm in Canada. I expect all the jokes.
Would you guys go with high grade synthetic?
(2ppcli @ Apr. 03 2007,19:00) Hey guys!  Don't post often but I read alot.  I tried to find out about the types of oil that would be best for my next oil change?  I live in a cold climate and I am getting ready for the spring/summer season and was looking at synthetic.  Any comments?  5/30,  10/30
For your coldest part of the year 10/30...the rest of the year 10/40
Amsoil 10w40 MCF with an EaOM 109 filter
Costs a few bucks more, but the protection is, by far, well ahead of any competition. Do the readin', it's all there.
(extensive @ Apr. 04 2007,09:31) 15w-40 - most of the time its shell rotella.
Man are we opening this can of worms again  
? Ok lids off! Which Rotella? "T" Dino or "T" synthetic? Diesel eng dino oil is great stuff and will work fine with clutch but is only good for 1K miles in most cases! I just went to the T synthetic 5w40, seems good to 3K miles B4 the shifting starts to be a bit less smooth like it is with new oil. $14.00 a gal @ wally world. Fast flowing cold, and goes to the recommended 40 wt when hot. Anyone ever found engine damage from the type of oil used on a Busa? All are treated better than they need to be that I have heard of! Turbo'ed, shot, or runs the strip often, or driven like you stole it all the time! (Squid) ? Buy the best! Amsoil$$$. But the silver and blue 06 is still the fastest color/model !!!
I will most likely go with 10w40 Castrol Syntec. With as many vehicles that i got, I'm looking at a 55 gallon drums!

You actually going to ride when its -40?
no riding at -40. Just giving the highs and lows. Thanks for the replys guys. Very helpful. I will ride at +2 or +3 though.