Oils and Filters

Amsoil MCF (10w40), EAoM 109..........
OE filter and any 10-40 synthetic oil that meets the manufacturer's requirements.
When i see topics about oil and some of the replies , it reminds me of why i buy new bikes  .

That along with engine break in topics or websites ----- here's a guy seating the rings  

Only thing I can say is glad it wasn't a Busa. I hate guys who have no respect for machinery.
Good thing he can't find the shift lever and was just doing it parked.
What an A--Hole!

Mike A
I have been using this oil for years in all my cars and bikes:

<a href="http://www.opti2-4.com/opti-4.htm/URL" onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank');return false;">

I was sold when a guy came in with a Goldwing to my friends Honda dealership. It had 45,000 miles on it and had a real bad bottom end growl. Sounded like a rod or crank bearing. The oil was changed to this Opti 4 and the noise went right away and last time I heard of him he had another 20,000 miles on it.
These guys offer a Double Manufacturers Warranty when their oil is used in Power Products. That says something about their stuff. They won't cover motorcycles or autos as they have longer warranties.
Check out the technology part of their site. Makes sense to me.
Dinosaurs had brains the size or walnuts and ruled the earth for millions of years.
I like Dino oil.
10W40 like the manual recommends.
Anybody else use this?
I also use a stainless reusable filter;
I think I am not in the norm with this but... I have bben riding for 40 yrs..gulp...

Mike A