Oil Filter Relocation

Thanks for all the help. I said I was stating a few negatives that I had noticed. I do wear glasses. I have been watching, reading about and took a few rides on Busa's since the cream and copper ones came out in 99 or whenever it was. There for a minute I thought i was at gixxer dot com with all the flame throwers.

Apparently no one that read my post has removed a RH faring from an 08, I can tell you it is not a 10 minute job. Maybe after it has been removed a few times, but the first time you do it. If anyone figures out how to do it easy, post up.

I drained the oil at 259 miles and it was black as crap.

Has there ever been a remote oil filter designed for the busa?

I'm trying to get some help here, I don't care to get in a childish flame war, I'm 53 yrs old, I've owned 33 motorcycles over the past 40 years.

I appreciate the ones of you posted back a serious mature response.

Again, my 2 questions are, 1 any tips on removing the faring, 2 remote oil filter.

And I still stand by my initial complaints, and I found a few more today, like the flipping shift light is hidden by the clutch reservoir.

And to the trip guage guy, I use trip 1 and 2 constantly, trip 1 tracks my fuel and trip 2 tracks my oil.

Guage guy, I look at the gauges, primarily the temp and speed.

No buyer's remorse, I got in it right, I could make money on it today if I wanted, The KLR I traded sat in the barn most of the time and the R1 was due for quite a bit of work this winter so I thought it was a good time to unload both of them and get the Busa since I been wanting one for a few years.

I Can say one good thing about it, I rolled out and back on it in first today and wheelied the dog out of it, that was the first smile that it has brought to my face, I'm sure many more to come.
Thicker glasses (bottle caps) and a booster seat will solve your problems. I had too,bro.

Seriously,using a table lift will make your oil changes much easier to do.
Here what I have and a few other here too. It's very dependable and the cheapiest lift you're going to find. I'm going on three yrs with it with no problems.

They go on sale quite often!

Click here to view.

As for your knees, you can get up to an inch by removing the rubber grip on the foot rest. I've done this on my 03 and work great.

Keep your knees in the breeze!
Has anyone designed a remote oil filter for the 08 or previous years.

Hi, I traded in my R1 and KLR last friday for an 08, I'm anal about oil changes and when I went to change the oil I was disappointed to see that the engineers turned a 15 minute job into an hour job, the entire right faring has to be removed to change the filter, unless someone knows a secret, I would be interested to hear an easy way to get the filter on and off.

Still haven't ridden it much, I did ride it a little last night it pulls real good.  With it not be broke in and not being able to get it out and let it breath, so far all I am noticing are the negatives, I know that soon the awesome horsepower will over shadow the little negatives but so far these are some of the negatives I have noticed.

Antiquated instruments. The R1 (99 even) had a huge digital MPH readout, Busa has analog with very small numbers, hard for me to know my speed.

The trip 1 and 2 meters are so tiny you would have to have the vision of a 10 yr old to see them, and the embossed labels are practically invisible.

The only digital readout on the cluster is an idiot light to tell ya what gear you are in, stupid"¦..

It has a gas gauge, a low level light would have been fine.

No (choke) enrichner, when you crank it cold there is no way idle it up while you put on your helmet and gloves.  

The seat is so low it feels like my knees are by my ears. or pegs high how ever you want to look at it.  

It is heavy, it feels like I am pushing a Harley dresser around the garage. My R1, ZX9 and Gixxer 750 got me spoiled to lighter weight.

More vibration than I expected at highway speeds.

And worst of all, you have to take the entire right hand faring off to change the oil filter. All I can say is, beware of Busa's that get oil changes without filter changes.
Busa oil changes suck period....and they always will. There's no easy way around it. I've owned a busa since 2004 and have hated every filter change. If your careful you can avoid scratching the plastics putting that huge panel back on, but you gotta be mega careful and pray alittle. If the 08's are anything like the first gen plastic wise, theres a small plastic piece that wraps around the front side panel. The book says leave it on the side piece and try to bend it around as you pull off and put on the side panel. Take my advice and unscrew the 3 screws holding it to the side panel, and leave it connected to the bike.Its a major pain pulling the panel off with it connected. Scratch/break city  
 Suzuki could easily have designed the bodywork/pipes to leave access to the filter without removing any plastic...but through 2 generations they haven't...oh well  
 It aint no 14 in that respect  
And yes busa's do vibrate...but you'll get used to it  
 If your long legged you'll need a stop every so often to stretch them out.
It is heavy compared to liters and 750's...but if those are the kinda bikes you like, you picked the wrong class of machine  

And I almost forgot...put some tinfoil or even a rag over the pipes, cause when you get the filter off you'll spill oil all over them, and it'll smoke for quite awhile during your first ride after the oil change.


to the oRg.. I think every bike has its good and bads. Coming from an R1, you are in for a much different experience.

ON the oil changes - the first one I did took one hour and a lot of cussing. Hopefully it'll get easier with time. I think it will.

I prefer analog gauges because you can tell how fast you are going at a glace. You don't need to see the number the needle is at, just where the needle is. I use the 4500 rpm vibration as my indicator - 4500 rpm, 6th gear=85mph.

The Busa does have a low fuel indicator. In addition to the gauge. I prefer the gauge, that way I'm not constantly resetting trip odos

As far as flame wars, everyone is welcome. I'm new to the board, but when your first post includes the words "Stupid, all I'm noticing are negatives, My R1 ZX9 Gixxer 750 spoiled me, worst of all, beware" you invite a few flames.

You mention maturity, I'm sure you could have found a better way to b*tch about your new bike which many here would love to have. If your true intention was to get help about oil changes - ask about the oil change, but leave out all the other ranting. I'm sure it would have gone over much better.

I will also add this, although your first foray here may not have been the most positive, this is the best board by far for Busas.
You could have done like I did to solve that pesky fairing removal requirement to get at the oil filter...............trade your busa in for a GSX-R1000! Nice little air vent down there in the fairing that the oil filter comes out through. My K7 feels as comfy as my 05 busa did too, no trade off in that department and WOW, these new gixxers are faster and handle much better that any busa, no matter what year!
BTW, at 53 you're just a pup! Try 63 on for size!!

Wow....it's getting deep in here.

I'll stay out of it since I'm clearly to young for this thread and ANY of the problems listed... j/k

Go easy on the new guys that aren't familiar with the bikes just yet guys....
I have a 08 and I have noticed that changing the oil is a ***** but I have someone else do it for me so problem one solved. Two the seat is low and after about 150miles of riding I did notice my legs hurting but with time I will get used to it, and this gives me more time to stop and look at the bike I can always take a brake and strech my legs, so thats problem two solved. Third gauge cluster well I love the Gas Gauge, its nice to know just how much I have left, and I like the gear indicator and I can see trip meeter and speed just fine. And from going from a TLR the busa feels lighter and I can actually brake in corners and it will go where I tell it to, it follows the line. And power lots of it. The light is great, the projector will light even at a lean. So so far I give it  
Thanks for the replies. For the ones of you that took the time to respond I appreciate your input.

With the exception of maybe one guy, I'm guessing that no one else (on this thread) has changed the oil on an 08. Post up if I'm wrong.

As I stated before, I changed the oil at 259 miles and it was really black. I understand the oil is doing it's job by removing the carbon, metal, etc. I had planned to change it at 150, 300, 450, then start 1500 mile changes as I do on all my bikes. What I'm driving at is the recommended 500 mile first oil change seems excessive (too many miles) to me after seeing what came out of mine at 259.    

To all the "just take the faring off guys" Here are some tips when you do it because you obviously don't have an 08, haven't changed the oil filter on it, or took it to the shop and paid someone to do it for you. To the guy that responded and gave instructions on how to screw the filter on I can't bring myself to respond to that.  

By now you are probably PO'd at me and wouldn't take the advice anyway but here it is.

Remove the 2 plastic fasteners at the bottom rear faring, just in front of the rear tire.
Remove the RH side faring bolts.
Remove the 3 fasteners, 1 plastic, 2 bolts from the upper faring, right under the throttle grip.
Remove the 2 plastic slide fasteners from the bottom of the front faring, below the oil cooler. HINT, Note the way the faring fits together, it only goes back one way, like a puzzle, also the little nodules have to be pushed up to release the faring to let it expand.
Remove the plastic slide fastener at the upper RH corner of the radiator.    
Tape the end of a wide flat blade screwdriver.
Pop the faring nodule out of the rubber grommet just above oil fill cap using the taped screwdriver.
Raise and prop the tank.  
Pop the upper faring nodule out of the rubber grommet located under the RH side of the tank using the taped screwdriver

OK all of that was probably an insult to you mechanics, but here is the real hint.

You can STOP right there, the lower faring can now be pulled out far enough at the bottom to remove/replace the filter. It's still tight but not too bad, and much better than continuing to remove the RH faring completely.

Then put it all back together.

BTW, I've already designed a remote filter, I'm going to the machine shop today to fab it up.

Since I'm old and can't see and need a lift for my bike, I think the remote oil filter will be just the thing for me so I can change my oil in 10 minutes and all you young smart guys can keep jacking with removing your faring and taking an hour to do it, or pay someone to do it, or like most of the young farts I ride with, maintenance is real low on the priority list anyway. Who needs to maintain their chain or change oil, or clean their bike, most of them tell me, 'they do all that at the shop when I get it serviced', It's only $70 per hour.    

OK, Positive stuff about the bike, it freaking wheelies a lot better than I expected, so far just on/off/on the throttle in 1st,  very smooth long wheelies in 1st, Haven't done any in second yet, waiting to get at least 500 miles on it then start hammering 2nd.

I'm gonna put it on the dyno after 1000 miles in stock dress, I really want to see the difference in the pulls with it in mode A, mode B, and mode C.

More positive, my wife has pretty much refused to ride with me for the past 25 years cause she says I scare her, but hey running this puppy in Mode-C she has been on 2 rides and hasn't got scared. Mode C detunes it down to where it feels a little weaker than the KLR 650.

More negative stuff,

The oil fill hole is tiny, yes I know what a funnel is, I also know what a clutch basket is that is in the tiny hole.  

The upper triple clamp cover is rubber mounted, very weird, turn your bars full lock, and then push down on the grip, the whole mushy thing seems weak. Was/is it like that on the first gen busa.        

I know you guys hate for me to say anything negative about the busa but I think it has some awesome engineering on it and I think it has some sorry engineering on it. I think Suzuki engineering was so paranoid about losing the mystique of the first gen busa that they were kinda afraid to touch this "cash cow" and primarily focused on HP gains and swoopy body work which is both really cool but I think it was a missed opportunity to make it a little more maintenance friendly and bring it up to date digitally.
Where are you going to mount the Remote filter? Post up on this I am interested to see the final product.

Have fun on that thing!
You could have done like I did to solve that pesky fairing removal requirement to get at the oil filter...............trade your busa in for a GSX-R1000! Nice little air vent down there in the fairing that the oil filter comes out through. My K7 feels as comfy as my 05 busa did too, no trade off in that department and WOW, these new gixxers are faster and handle much better that any busa, no matter what year!
BTW, at 53 you're just a pup! Try 63 on for size!!
1/4 mile or top end busas will eat up those 1000's.
Thanks for the replies. For the ones of you that took the time to respond I appreciate your input.

With the exception of maybe one guy, I'm guessing that no one else (on this thread) has changed the oil on an 08. Post up if I'm wrong.

As I stated before, I changed the oil at 259 miles and it was really black. I understand the oil is doing it's job by removing the carbon, metal, etc. I had planned to change it at 150, 300, 450, then start 1500 mile changes as I do on all my bikes. What I'm driving at is the recommended 500 mile first oil change seems excessive (too many miles) to me after seeing what came out of mine at 259.    

To all the "just take the faring off guys" Here are some tips when you do it because you obviously don't have an 08, haven't changed the oil filter on it, or took it to the shop and paid someone to do it for you. To the guy that responded and gave instructions on how to screw the filter on I can't bring myself to respond to that.  

By now you are probably PO'd at me and wouldn't take the advice anyway but here it is.

Remove the 2 plastic fasteners at the bottom rear faring, just in front of the rear tire.
Remove the RH side faring bolts.
Remove the 3 fasteners, 1 plastic, 2 bolts from the upper faring, right under the throttle grip.
Remove the 2 plastic slide fasteners from the bottom of the front faring, below the oil cooler. HINT, Note the way the faring fits together, it only goes back one way, like a puzzle, also the little nodules have to be pushed up to release the faring to let it expand.
Remove the plastic slide fastener at the upper RH corner of the radiator.    
Tape the end of a wide flat blade screwdriver.
Pop the faring nodule out of the rubber grommet just above oil fill cap using the taped screwdriver.
Raise and prop the tank.  
Pop the upper faring nodule out of the rubber grommet located under the RH side of the tank using the taped screwdriver

OK all of that was probably an insult to you mechanics, but here is the real hint.

You can STOP right there, the lower faring can now be pulled out far enough at the bottom to remove/replace the filter. It's still tight but not too bad, and much better than continuing to remove the RH faring completely.

Then put it all back together.

BTW, I've already designed a remote filter, I'm going to the machine shop today to fab it up.

Since I'm old and can't see and need a lift for my bike, I think the remote oil filter will be just the thing for me so I can change my oil in 10 minutes and all you young smart guys can keep jacking with removing your faring and taking an hour to do it, or pay someone to do it, or like most of the young farts I ride with, maintenance is real low on the priority list anyway. Who needs to maintain their chain or change oil, or clean their bike, most of them tell me, 'they do all that at the shop when I get it serviced', It's only $70 per hour.    

OK, Positive stuff about the bike, it freaking wheelies a lot better than I expected, so far just on/off/on the throttle in 1st,  very smooth long wheelies in 1st, Haven't done any in second yet, waiting to get at least 500 miles on it then start hammering 2nd.

I'm gonna put it on the dyno after 1000 miles in stock dress, I really want to see the difference in the pulls with it in mode A, mode B, and mode C.

More positive, my wife has pretty much refused to ride with me for the past 25 years cause she says I scare her, but hey running this puppy in Mode-C she has been on 2 rides and hasn't got scared. Mode C detunes it down to where it feels a little weaker than the KLR 650.

More negative stuff,

The oil fill hole is tiny, yes I know what a funnel is, I also know what a clutch basket is that is in the tiny hole.  

The upper triple clamp cover is rubber mounted, very weird, turn your bars full lock, and then push down on the grip, the whole mushy thing seems weak. Was/is it like that on the first gen busa.        

I know you guys hate for me to say anything negative about the busa but I think it has some awesome engineering on it and I think it has some sorry engineering on it. I think Suzuki engineering was so paranoid about losing the mystique of the first gen busa that they were kinda afraid to touch this "cash cow" and primarily focused on HP gains and swoopy body work which is both really cool but I think it was a missed opportunity to make it a little more maintenance friendly and bring it up to date digitally.
It sounds like the 08 busa is even more of a pain to change oil on than my first gen
........I suddenly feel almost fortunate
Actually like all bikes the busa has its good points and bad. In some ways its a pain to work on (big slabs of plastic to wrestle...and try not to scratch), and in others its great (flip up tank-easy to get to air filter/ top of motor/easy to reach battery). And no, no mushy bars on the first gen...rock solid. I think the change in bar mounting is to try and reduce the vibes. If you want an easy maintainence bike get a naked......I thought about it a time or 2...just couldn't give up the power

You could have done like I did to solve that pesky fairing removal requirement to get at the oil filter...............trade your busa in for a GSX-R1000! Nice little air vent down there in the fairing that the oil filter comes out through. My K7 feels as comfy as my 05 busa did too, no trade off in that department and WOW, these new gixxers are faster and handle much better that any busa, no matter what year!
BTW, at 53 you're just a pup! Try 63 on for size!!
1/4 mile or top end busas will eat up those 1000's.
STOCK Vs STOCK, the gixxer wins! 06 gixxer/03 busa comparo, the 07 is a faster 1000, supposedly!?


Could a busa do this???

Hey, seriously, they're both Suzukis and I'll always love 'em both!
its not that hard to take the fairing off and on 10min at the most
I don't know , this is an 08 we are talking about here . I've been hearing that they are not that easy to get off . I hear they are easier to get back on than get off . And that the right side which the oil filter is on is one piece front to back . I still not really clear on what they mean by one piece. I guess that means right lower and belly wing are one piece . Cut the guy some slack . He's new to Hayabusa and this is a different machine than we are all used to .
WECLOME ABOARD and Congratulations on the new bike . Take your time and use the painters tape . don't want any scratches on her now do ya ?
You could have done like I did to solve that pesky fairing removal requirement to get at the oil filter...............trade your busa in for a GSX-R1000! Nice little air vent down there in the fairing that the oil filter comes out through. My K7 feels as comfy as my 05 busa did too, no trade off in that department and WOW, these new gixxers are faster and handle much better that any busa, no matter what year!
BTW, at 53 you're just a pup! Try 63 on for size!!
1/4 mile or top end busas will eat up those 1000's.
STOCK Vs STOCK, the gixxer wins! 06 gixxer/03 busa comparo, the 07 is a faster 1000, supposedly!?


Could a busa do this???  

Hey, seriously, they're both Suzukis and I'll always love 'em both!
Those times in the back of mags are mostly corrected times which means they calcuate them on hp vs weight. Go to a sanctioned dragrace sometime and see what dominates BUSA. Don't get me wrong gsxr 1000's are fast as ****, and they handle much bettor, but in a straight line this is where the busa prevails.
its not that hard to take the fairing off and on 10min at the most
I don't know , this is an 08 we are talking about here . I've been hearing that they are not that easy to get off . I hear they are easier to get back on than get off . And that the right side which the oil filter is on is one piece front to back . I still not really clear on what they mean by one piece. I guess that means right lower and belly wing are one piece . Cut the guy some slack . He's new to Hayabusa and this is a different machine than we are all used to .
WECLOME ABOARD and Congratulations on the new bike . Take your time and use the painters tape . don't want any scratches on her now do ya ?
Check out my 08 changing oil thread. Some pics might be helpful there.
Thanks for the replies. For the ones of you that took the time to respond I appreciate your input.

With the exception of maybe one guy, I'm guessing that no one else (on this thread) has changed the oil on an 08. Post up if I'm wrong.

As I stated before, I changed the oil at 259 miles and it was really black. I understand the oil is doing it's job by removing the carbon, metal, etc. I had planned to change it at 150, 300, 450, then start 1500 mile changes as I do on all my bikes. What I'm driving at is the recommended 500 mile first oil change seems excessive (too many miles) to me after seeing what came out of mine at 259.    

To all the "just take the faring off guys" Here are some tips when you do it because you obviously don't have an 08, haven't changed the oil filter on it, or took it to the shop and paid someone to do it for you. To the guy that responded and gave instructions on how to screw the filter on I can't bring myself to respond to that.  

By now you are probably PO'd at me and wouldn't take the advice anyway but here it is.

Remove the 2 plastic fasteners at the bottom rear faring, just in front of the rear tire.
Remove the RH side faring bolts.
Remove the 3 fasteners, 1 plastic, 2 bolts from the upper faring, right under the throttle grip.
Remove the 2 plastic slide fasteners from the bottom of the front faring, below the oil cooler. HINT, Note the way the faring fits together, it only goes back one way, like a puzzle, also the little nodules have to be pushed up to release the faring to let it expand.
Remove the plastic slide fastener at the upper RH corner of the radiator.    
Tape the end of a wide flat blade screwdriver.
Pop the faring nodule out of the rubber grommet just above oil fill cap using the taped screwdriver.
Raise and prop the tank.  
Pop the upper faring nodule out of the rubber grommet located under the RH side of the tank using the taped screwdriver

OK all of that was probably an insult to you mechanics, but here is the real hint.

You can STOP right there, the lower faring can now be pulled out far enough at the bottom to remove/replace the filter. It's still tight but not too bad, and much better than continuing to remove the RH faring completely.

Then put it all back together.

BTW, I've already designed a remote filter, I'm going to the machine shop today to fab it up.

Since I'm old and can't see and need a lift for my bike, I think the remote oil filter will be just the thing for me so I can change my oil in 10 minutes and all you young smart guys can keep jacking with removing your faring and taking an hour to do it, or pay someone to do it, or like most of the young farts I ride with, maintenance is real low on the priority list anyway. Who needs to maintain their chain or change oil, or clean their bike, most of them tell me, 'they do all that at the shop when I get it serviced', It's only $70 per hour.    

OK, Positive stuff about the bike, it freaking wheelies a lot better than I expected, so far just on/off/on the throttle in 1st,  very smooth long wheelies in 1st, Haven't done any in second yet, waiting to get at least 500 miles on it then start hammering 2nd.

I'm gonna put it on the dyno after 1000 miles in stock dress, I really want to see the difference in the pulls with it in mode A, mode B, and mode C.

More positive, my wife has pretty much refused to ride with me for the past 25 years cause she says I scare her, but hey running this puppy in Mode-C she has been on 2 rides and hasn't got scared. Mode C detunes it down to where it feels a little weaker than the KLR 650.

More negative stuff,

The oil fill hole is tiny, yes I know what a funnel is, I also know what a clutch basket is that is in the tiny hole.  

The upper triple clamp cover is rubber mounted, very weird, turn your bars full lock, and then push down on the grip, the whole mushy thing seems weak. Was/is it like that on the first gen busa.        

I know you guys hate for me to say anything negative about the busa but I think it has some awesome engineering on it and I think it has some sorry engineering on it. I think Suzuki engineering was so paranoid about losing the mystique of the first gen busa that they were kinda afraid to touch this "cash cow" and primarily focused on HP gains and swoopy body work which is both really cool but I think it was a missed opportunity to make it a little more maintenance friendly and bring it up to date digitally.
Hey Bo, since no one answered your inquiry on filter relocation, I want you to know I too am interested in it and totally agree with you regarding the associative work required just to change the filter. Although I am 65 (yikes), I'm just a kid. My '06 Busa is my 19th bike and I love it (Muzzy/PC).
I really would appreciate any info you may be willing to share regarding your filter relocation.
Thanx - Bob