Oil Question

Oh, BTW, I just changed my oil the past weekend and I DID change the crush washer. However, I almost didn't simply b/c I couldn't get the darn thing of of the plug! To remove it I had to grasp it with pliers to loosen it from the bolt head and then had to "persuade" it off the bolt with a hammer and chisel!!! WTF!!!

Oh, one more thing: I did tighten with a Torque wrench to the book specs. Don't know why one wouldn't since it makes incidents such as the one in this thread so much less likely.

Best of luck!
glad to see i'm not the only one on here thats anal about proper maintenance,lol. Just a side note...if the washer is torqued to spec,it doesnt crush all the way and isnt hard to remove next oil change. What makes them hard to remove is wen they're crushed completely flat and flair out by either overtightening or re torqueing them....in other words, re using them. wether or not a person chooses to spend the pennys to replace them each time is a personal choice but the fact remains that they are only intended for single use. Back to the issue at hand...As many of us have said already....fill r up and cross your fingers. hopefully you didnt ride it oiless long enough to do any major damage. Good luck bro.
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glad to see i'm not the only one on here thats anal about proper maintenance,lol. Just a side note...if the washer is torqued to spec,it doesnt crush all the way and isnt hard to remove next oil change. What makes them hard to remove is wen they're crushed completely flat and flair out by either overtightening or re torqueing them....in other words, re using them. wether or not a person chooses to spend the pennys to replace them each time is a personal choice but the fact remains that they are only intended for single use. Back to the issue at hand...As many of us have said already....fill r up and cross your fingers. hopefully you didnt ride it oiless long enough to do any major damage. Good luck bro.
Posted via Mobile Device

after you work on this kind of stuff for a few years to make a living, you learn a few things...
I'm all for doing stuff the right way, but some of the torque specs are a joke.... tighten the oil plug... dont strip it out. I can attest you can tighten that thing quite a bit harder than the torque specs, and it is not close to stripping. Everyone things torque specs are some magical number of safeness... It is not.

In the medical world, we have a saying... "treat the patient, not the number" when we see low B/P or O2 levels, labs etc... same thing on a bike, use common sense when tightening the plug. I KNOW i tighten past spec (but spec seems really low to me), but I am not even close to stripping it out.

Basically if comes down to if a person does not have enough know how to get it tight, they shouldnt be changin oil. I know that the shops around here dont spec out the oil plug. just saying.. .

now this is not a personal attack at anyone, just had to vent :thumbsup:

BTW, I am with the others... I think your motor is cashed... Every vehicle I have ever known, once the light is on, IMMEDIATLY shut down, and pull in clutch... even then its ususally cashed by the time the light comes on. Kinda gay to even have a light I suppose..... Sorry man.
BTW, I am with the others... I think your motor is cashed... Every vehicle I have ever known, once the light is on, IMMEDIATLY shut down, and pull in clutch... even then its ususally cashed by the time the light comes on. Kinda gay to even have a light I suppose..... Sorry man.

LOL, its called a dummy light for a reason.:laugh: Seriously though, I'd still try it and see what happens...... As long as your luck isnt like mine, you may be ok.
Well so far I replaced the plug, filled it oil, only to find out the the ****ing Tow Truck Guy completely crushed my left grip with a tie down, wouldnt be a problem for most, but my Left grip controlls all of my motorcycle function start, turn signal, hazards, so I have to wait for a replacement grip from fiends at GripAce to even see if the bike will run again.

look ma no switches.
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"idiot light" :whistle:

you say tomato....all that.:beerchug:

Well so far I replaced the plug, filled it oil, only to find out the the ****ing Tow Truck Guy completely crushed my left grip with a tie down, wouldnt be a problem for most, but my Left grip controlls all of my motorcycle function start, turn signal, hazards, so I have to wait for a replacement grip from fiends at GripAce to even see if the bike will run again.

look ma no switches.

Dude, that sucks about your controls...so I'm guessing he says he isnt liable for damages, right? ??? I wanna see a pic of that whole bike...from what I see in this pic, you got one nice busa!
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They used to have infomercials for this stuff where they'd put it in with the oil, then drain the engine oil and keep it running. They'd even spray it with a fire hose while it was running without oil. Duralube I think...

Anyway, I just changed mine the other day and made sure to torque to 198 lb-in. I'd be afraid to guess at it.

It seems like it would need to be loose for a while before it just fell out. It's not like it's only one or two threads deep in the pan.

Good luck getting it back together. Oh, and check this out. https://www.hayabusa.org/forum/gen-ii-busa-information/89643-ebay-bussa-2008-engine-not-sent.html Be careful if you go looking for a new engine.
Have or had a nice busa, I still havent fired her up yet, but oh well I was putting off the 1441 engine upgrade now I have all the incentive to do it..

heres a few pics.



she was even featured in a photoshoot

hopefully your bike is okay. like said before, add oil and plug and see what happens.. i had a 96 mustang and the oil plug wasnt put on right, didnt come all the way off, but enought to lose all the oil. i just walked to the nearest autozone, bought new oil and plug and never had a prob after that. good luck, bro.
So before I tell you about starting her up, I have to give a Huge shout out to my Sponsor GripAce, as I told you I was waiting for a left control, well The owner called me today and I told him the situation, asked to get a replacement ASAP. So he said just come by when you get off work and pick one up, I didn't get off till Midnight, so I was a little afraid to call but Tim was up and met me to give me my replacement left control.

So after rushing home, I did a temp install turned the key and started her up and low and behold, she sounds normal :cheerleader: . However I will be making a trip to a local engine builder just to check things out. But there was no knocking pinging or any unusual sounds, however I do have dapincci pipes so the exhaust is a bit loud in a closed garage at 1am.
hopefully your bike is okay. like said before, add oil and plug and see what happens.. i had a 96 mustang and the oil plug wasnt put on right, didnt come all the way off, but enought to lose all the oil. i just walked to the nearest autozone, bought new oil and plug and never had a prob after that. good luck, bro.
Not in that order.:whistle:
In a closed garage with open pipes, even "I" couldn't hear the valve train, cams, chain yada, yada, yada......

Get a "good" wrench with a "good" ear, and a "stethoscope", and a compression tester, if it was me, I'd be getting out the dial indicator and pulling the valve cover too....... :super:

Sorry guys, if my plug fell out, I'd be hard pressed not to pull the whole darn thing down. I run Amsoil, and I still know what metal to metal looks like and what it leads to......

Simp, inspect and post up. I'm intrigued and pulling for you Brother....I wasn't kidding about the stethoscope though.....