
I know I am new here, but I post this on all of the forums i am a member of so dont feel like the long ranger here..

Were (being local bike shops and mine) are putting together a chairty ride to benefit the MUSC Childrens Hospital. This is a 100% donation event. As in 100% of any and all money raised will go to the hospital. We do not keep any of it. Anyone caught keeping any will be asked to leave and not be invited back. I have sent emails to many of the big bike builders OCC,WCC, Choppers INC,etc etc etc, as well as my vendors, Drag, Tuckey Rockey, Parts Unlimited, juet ot name a few. Now i am begging the Org. We are looking for donations, it could be anyhting bike releated, from parts to service, to shirts or boots. It will be raffled off and monies from the raffle will be added to the amount given to the hospital. if you do not own a business but want to give, buy a gift card and donate it.. We had many donated last year and they were a big hit.

Thank you in advance
k & M Cycles

also if this post violates the rules please feel free to delete it.
Do you have an event flyer or website you could post which would give more information.

For instance: What is the MUSC? When is this event to be held? Can motivated people volunteer to assist in person?

Enquiring minds want to know. Sounds like a noble cause, though...PROPS to you
MUSC is Medical University of South Carolina, it is a state run hospital in Charleston SC. It is also one of the top med school in the US. They have a Childrens hospital that offers care to children regardless if they can pay or not.

it will be some time in Sept of this year, I know that sounds like a ways off, but trust me, with everything that has to come together it flys by.. We are wroking on flyer lay out now, still waiting on shop logos, as well as company logos from some of the bigger places. I expect to have them by mid July. We get free radio advertising, as well as some advertising in magazines. This will be the 2nd year for the event. Last year was to the be second one, but with the Death of the 9 Charleston Firefighters it was put back. So this year we have ot be bigger and better then ever befor..

Also if you want we can but the Hayabusa.org logo on the flyer and event shirts if we have a strong enough intrest.

k & M Cycles
843 906 5982
Call me with any questions.
You should check with the owners of the board (captain) about this. Typically, request for monies / raffle offers etc. are vetted with the board.

Nothing against you or the cause, it's just that there have been some unpleasant issues regarding things like this in the past...