Ok, let's see 'em...

Okay, I'll play along. My scanner is slow :sad:

1976 or so with my new puppy. Check out the upholstery on that couch. :biggrin: The blanket is just to keep the dog from getting it dirty.

Sleeves down and "snapped". Bell bottoms. Those may have even been garanimals. Anybody else remember those? :eek:

NO laughing...I'm serious...j/k
All right, this is a little more manly. We went to the little league super bowl that year. We lost, but we were the division champs.

Curtis Cowboys, sponsored by a flower shop no doubt. :wink:

Good times back then.
This is so funny...it's nice to see that most of these pics are from the 70's, so we don't all feel so old!

This was me in high school...going to the prom...with short hair! :biggrin:

And me with my little sister, Steph, many years ago...I'm guessing I was almost 4 years old...no sign of "boy toys" there!  Just girlie frills and pink dresses!

And FRECKLES!  I don't have them anymore...

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You look lonely in your prom pic. Please don't tell me you didn't have a date. :eek:

I would've taken you to the prom. NO PROBLEM ! :biggrin:

Nice chariot for the princess!


You look lonely in your prom pic.  Please don't tell me you didn't have a date. :eek:

I would've taken you to the prom.  NO PROBLEM ! :biggrin:

Nice chariot for the princess!

Thanks stkr00. That was my date's Mustang behind me...I ended up marrying him, by the way...must have been the car... :tounge:

We actually went to 3 proms together, so I was lucky to have a date every time...

The big shocker about that pic is that I was able to actually touch the car! My then-boyfriend was sort of fanatical about the 'Stang...hrmmm, kind of like I am about the Busa...anywho, no one was allowed to roll the window down and put their arm out, or touch the dash...he was very protective of that baby! It was a nice car...first car I got speeding ticket in! Hey, if you're going to get ticketed, might as well be while riding in/on something cool! :biggrin:
Oh, what the hell...here's another lonely prom pic of me...damn, I wore pink again!  And to think I hate pink now...I don't know what I was thinking!


I knew it! Michelle has always been a cutie! :biggrin:

One down, two to go... Come on, Lo and babe... Get 'em up here! :super:
train, nice gut in the baby pic. Ive still mine.

If I had any of my baby pics I would be more than happy to post them up.

I can't find the pic of my grandfather's dog pulling me in a go-cart made out of an old push lawn-mower ( I fit in the hole where the motor was) :)
I can't believe I'm putting this up. This is me at 3 months old. Back in 1944 mind you. I am not sure why my parents dressed me like this. It must have been the way back then. :mad:
Don't feel bad flrider! Both of my poor boys had to have baby pics taken in an old family "gown" that's been in my husband's family since the late-1800s...

Cute pic, by the way! :)
Good judge of character I guess:p .////// :tounge:

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Good judge of character I guess:p .////// :tounge:
I love it when you guys put witty things in the edit lines!

Why smiley might not work - you putting a space between the last letter and your emoticon? Other than that, I have little to offer Rhythm...I'm just semi-smart sometimes! :biggrin: