OK now PC2, Yosh or what


I can remap in 1 minute, you can't even fire your PC up in that amount of time. One thing you can't do on a PC2 is adjust the idle circuit map, for each cylinder (set different for 1,2,3,4 if needed).

Sorry, I'll go and stay with the yosh box (yes we did use a PC on our race bike this season for 2 races - went back to the yosh box).
I use both ...I have richened the idle cicuits with the yosh and use the PC2 with a modified micron pipe map. You can get the stumble out of it at low RPM`s better with the PC2 after the air box mod. I guess there`s a lot of ways to skin this cat......
I was told by Dynojet to NEVER use both boxes. They said the bike must be set back to Zero before using the PCII. Since the PCII fakes the ECU signals, a Yosh remap would be confusing to the system. I guess there is a chance you could hit a good compromise, but it seems like a crap shoot.

Of course if you just do the Idle you are probably okay, I just thought this needed to be said in case others try both.

[This message has been edited by Gary (edited 02 November 1999).]
well the yosh simply re-maps you stock ecm . the pc2 lets you re-map and adjust as often as you like at home and has rich/lean adjustments at low-mid-high that can be made anytime anywhere. the pc2 also allows you to adjust timing , although on the dyno the stock timing had the best results .
in a nutshell the pc2 is extreamly easy to use and the best buy of the two !
Here's the deal. If you've screwed up your airbox w/the mod, then either
1) find another unaltered airbox,dump your mangled one, and use the Yosh


2)since you want to help cover your tracks from the air-box mod, use the pcII.

Otherwise, just get the Yosh and don't worry with fooling around pcII. I've spent loads of time screwing with it,looked at several other busa owners' maps, tried them, compared them, and listened to all the hype. Though it seems kinda cool at first hooking up your laptop to your busa and feeling like a serious tuner, my dyno runs showed that on a non-airbox modded bike the yosh system is better. I suppose those who run Micron pipes might be getting slightly better results than me since I'm running yosh rs3, but believe me those micron-clad busa folks claming they +6 from the pipe, then another +11 hp by just strapping in the pcII are full of it. If you don't have the micron pipe, the yosh is the clear winner in my book (don't hold your breath waiting for dynojet to create a pcII map for your pipe either, Yosh RS3 owners would be way dead by now if they did). My $.02
actually i have the micron and on the dyno i picked up 4.9 hp over the .003 micron map with a slightly modified european map i never dynoed stock so i dont know my total increase over stock. the pre-setup map will get you close but the only way to properly tune your bike for optimum performanc is to make the adjustments while its on a dyno or at the dragstrip. i prefer the dyno myself.
how can you accuratly adjust cyl to cyl without pyrometers?
I only richened idle with the yosh. No one can make me believe that at speed with the stock box is as good as the modified one...no way. The area that you remove and plus the flap out of the way ...you can`t go wrong for more air flow. On the dyno sitting still maybe yeah there will be not a lot of difference but I still say on the road the mod box is better. The more air you flow through that head the better it runs. Take the airfilter out on your next dyno run and look at the difference ...just imagine what it does for it at speed. You need to richen it up on top to compensate for it and with the dyno`s now it is hit and miss.
mslater, had to bust your bubble. My friend scott, got 16 more horse power with the full micron and pc2. Had dyno sheets on before and after. This was done by dynojet here in Las Vegas. This was done by Michael Belcher. Facts are Facts dude. BTW, as you might have guessed I live in Las Vegas and have met Mike Belcher. Scott is going to have his zx11 dyno'ed by mike tomorrow. I am going to be there...................will post results if anyone is interesed. This is the same zx11 that i creamed a couple of weeks ago................
no dude, there is no way a roll-on vs another bike is just as valid a performance measurement as a quarter mile, and eigth mile, or a dyno run. Roll-ons are fun, sure, but if they were so accurate why don't real tuners tell you ,"well, I tested your bike stock by doing a roll-on against my roll-on testing 1100. It beat the roll-on tester 1100 pretty bad. But now that I've hooked up your mods, it'll leave the 1100 in the dust out on interstate 515!" Not. If any member on this site agrees that a roll-on against a similiarly equipped bike is any way accurate then they're as confused as you.

Actually, my "type" is not interested in causing trouble at all. In fact, my post was intended to help other unsuspecting busa owners. I love this site and dig reading posts from most of the users, but the forum is meant so that folks can post their own experiences. My experience is that the Yosh box is better as long as you don't have a micron pipe. My experience is also that I get better 60 foot,8,and 1/4 with a stock airbox.

When I first got on the site, all I read was how awesome the airbox mod was. Some claimed +7hp, some claimed their bike now "growled even louder", "awesome high rpm acceleration",etc.etc. No one posted anything negative about the mod. Now if I modded my air box, ran it, ran other busa's, ran strip times,didn't like it, replaced it w/stock, ran it, ran strip times, and saw that my unmodded box was better, I would be doing .org a disservice if I didn't post my experience. It's not what I "think", its what my bike does and has done.

As for your little rank on my math skills, I beg of you my small-headed fried, divulge please, what grounds led you to the conclusion my math skills are suspect? A mis-understanding of my intended meaning I hope. My analytical prowess is legendary in the circles in which I run (engineers and other systems analysts). I'll send you a few advanced Cal problems that will make your small head spin (in every sense your head must be small), then I'll send you the solutions so you'll know how inferior your intellect is to mine. Then I'll let you know that I meant I would be willing to drive three hours to meet you somewhere between AR and Nv. Three hours can get me to ok city, ok. I've got friends that can find us a spot there. If you show your sissy _ss in OK city, i'll race you roll ons, 1/4, 8s, or whatever. If you so much as act like you wanna clown after I beat you, I'll......take your busa back to AR and sell it to somebody who isn't such an _ss.

Ok, maybe not take your busa, probably just beat your _ss and warn you next time I'll send someone to take your busa...
But pulling over to the side of the road and making Yosh/Pc2 adjustments is worse for tuning than a dyno with no ram air simulator as far as tuning for additional air input is concerned. Maybe I should rephrase the question : Unless you are tuning the bike while riding at 140+ mph (I'd like to see that) AND have instrumentation indicating what changes are needed (at 140mph) AND what the results of the changes are (at 140mph) how can you properly tune the Busa for the conditions encountered at 140+ mph in relation to the ram air/additional air input over stock? If data could be accurately recorded at 140+ mph then changes could be made while still - test at 140+mph could be re-run and new recorded data could be examined to verify tuning changes. Seems that multiple tests would be required in this case?

Bottom Line and reasons for my questions:
What good does it do to add a free flowing air filter (like K&N) or perform air box mods if you can't demonstrate/simulate the extra air that will be added in order to increase fuel/tune the bike to take advantage of the mods? What is to prevent lean out if steps are not taken to add extra fuel? What is to prevent poor/worse performance if mixture is too rich due to inadequate/guesswork tuning?
Hey if you guys end up in OKC or Thunder Valley Raceway can we meet up for lunch and insults or something? I never get to see/meet other Busa owners!

What if I let each of you race & defeat me separately and then we'll all be happy?!

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 05 November 1999).]
Todd, I'd love to, but I'm going to be busy doing calculus problems........lol

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 05 November 1999).]
yep, being the genius hoodlum that I am, I'd love to kick your _ss. Some folks aren't worthy of their mounts, so I wouldn't want you galavanting around shaming the busa clan. Solution, separate you from your busa. That way no one gets hurt....he heee.

seriously though dude, though I meant all I posted that pertained to bike performance, all the stuff about _ss-kicking and confiscating rides was just a joke. All in fun. I wouldn't kick anybody's _ss that didn't deserve it....