Ok....serious business here

Got a little sump'n sump'n coming your way bro
I just checked on yer "little sump'n ".

 Once again,I am blown away by this board and its members.

Let me tell you,BaBusa works hard for his money. I know it.

 Wow.  Thats it,I'm speachless. RSD.

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Very cool...

You better not ban me from bidding on those, you bastid!

I like the cool stuff too, ya know?
Newest total.


This does NOT include:

unconfirmed funds(1)
three auctions underway
three upcoming auctions (hopefully more)

WOW. I am so thankfull.

Heartfelt thanks to those who are helping me,help them.

To the most powerfull
site on the World Wide Web.

My hats off to you.... deepest gratitude. RSD.
Just wanted to put a little update.
We got to bring Austin home again today.
This makes his 3rd time leaving the hospital in just 12 days since he was born.
It's good to have him home.
Most of the things that they were worried about, the doctors believe will just work out on their own. Can't even spell half of them.
But he is looking 110% better now, since for the past 2 days he has been pumped full of antibiotics. Eating a lot better also.
We was just told to keep a close eye on him and return him if he has anymore trouble breathing.

Now for the board.
My family cannot express our feelings right now about the kindness and generosity that everyone is showing.
Just all I ask is that if you feel the need to donate, please keep it within reason. I would hate for anyone to have problems trying to help my family out. I should of been more of a man, then to let all this happen in the first place.
I will forever be in debt to everyone that does help, and the offer is always extended that if anyone could use my help; then feel free to ask.

Nathan, Crystal, and Austin
I'm very happy that things are going for the better. It's true that prayers do get answered, and I've sent out plenty for you man. Not just the $$$. I kinda felt like I owed it to you anyway for all the times I admired your HMF setup and you gladly posted it whenever I wanted to see it. I've always loved your HMFs more than any other exhaust setup on this site. But believe me when I say that you will be back on one again. But you are doing the right thing.... taking care of family first. You da man!!
Just wanted to put a little update.
We got to bring Austin home again today.
This makes his 3rd time leaving the hospital in just 12 days since he was born.
It's good to have him home.
Most of the things that they were worried about, the doctors believe will just work out on their own. Can't even spell half of them.
But he is looking 110% better now, since for the past 2 days he has been pumped full of antibiotics. Eating a lot better also.
We was just told to keep a close eye on him and return him if he has anymore trouble breathing.

Now for the board.
My family cannot express our feelings right now about the kindness and generosity that everyone is showing.
Just all I ask is that if you feel the need to donate, please keep it within reason. I would hate for anyone to have problems trying to help my family out. I should of been more of a man, then to let all this happen in the first place.
I will forever be in debt to everyone that does help, and the offer is always extended that if anyone could use my help; then feel free to ask.

Nathan, Crystal, and Austin
I'm very happy that things are going for the better. It's true that prayers do get answered, and I've sent out plenty for you man. Not just the $$$. I kinda felt like I owed it to you anyway for all the times I admired your HMF setup and you gladly posted it whenever I wanted to see it. I've always loved your HMFs more than any other exhaust setup on this site. But believe me when I say that you will be back on one again. But you are doing the right thing.... taking care of family first. You da man!!
Thanks Brian.
Andy, I know it's more work for you, but let's not forget to get some of them balls passed out to people that doesn't have them yet.
Andy you should have mine . Sorry couldnt be ,ore .But you know the situation with wifes insurance right now. Hope everything works out..Happy Baby ......
Nice move Maurice...but as Nathan said,NOBODY is to donate anything if it in away puts a bind on their own fam. I won't hear of it,neither will Nathan.

 Thank you thou...Andy.
Sorry people feel that way but this board is Family the way I see it. As soon as I get some more free funds so will they..There is an old country saying What goes around comes around .  Im sure one day Pipe will help others just like a pay it forward thread. Hope everything works out Prayers also sent.. MAurice

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