OK, TX, AR, ect.

ah, its 2 hours from me according to google, but I dont think google factors busa time!
I kept within reason... popos were thick yesterday
I left about 8 (after dropping the kids off at school)and got to the lodge around noon, stopping at a lot of the overlooks to get realistic times. can't wait, what determines a rainout, those roads do suck when wet, alot of 20-25mph switchbacks on grade w/no shoulder... just a rusty guardrail.
Hi guys. Been on the drive lots of times with the harleys. the big ultra is not to bad for handling. I hope to pick up my new K8, orange and black, this weekend. Maybe I can make the next ride. I am just south of Dallas. Have done the ride, up and back, eating at the Lodge, several time in just one day.
Hey Warp10. If you want to meet in McKinney, we can ride up and find PBGhost in Sherman.
Looks like a good ride Scott! One of the guys that works with Diana is a Ducati rider and sent her a lot of links on routes. I told her she was welcome to invite him if he thought he could keep up...

I've been home sick today and just got out of bed. I decided to stay home and try and kick this early so I can make the ride on Sunday.
Looks like a good ride Scott!  One of the guys that works with Diana is a Ducati rider and sent her a lot of links on routes.  I told her she was welcome to invite him if he thought he could keep up...

I've been home sick today and just got out of bed.  I decided to stay home and try and kick this early so I can make the ride on Sunday.
Wondering where you have been brother. What did you eat the other night. And where are the pics of the trailer? How was the B-day Party?
Hi guys. Been on the drive lots of times with the harleys. the big ultra is not to bad for handling. I hope to pick up my new K8, orange and black, this weekend. Maybe I can make the next ride. I am just south of Dallas. Have done the ride, up and back, eating at the Lodge, several time in just one day.
Would love to have you! Get with Dan and Scott and we will see you in Daisy.
Did BUSA CHeMIST confirm also?

We have still have not decided on a time to meet in Daisy. 8? 9?

What is usually considered a rain out. We all will be traveling 2 hours to our meeting point.
I probably can't make this one. Sat I hope to be in Bartlesville picking up the K8. Since I will not get to ride it until I get back to Tx, sun will be doing chores and short rides, well at least lots of short rides, 30-45min. I hope to have the 600 miles done by next weekend.
prolly 9-9:30 in daisy, it's easier to leave the casa at 7-7:30 than it is at 6-6:30, I'm good with light & scattered
prolly 9-9:30 in daisy, it's easier to leave the casa at 7-7:30 than it is at 6-6:30, I'm good with light & scattered
How bout ch Dan? Busa Chemist? I am good with 9 to 9:30 in Daisy. Also good with light and scattered. Maybe a little rain will help soften up my leathers.  

Scott, do you still have my number and has yours changed?
9 to 9:30 in Daisy sounds good.

Scott, where do you want to meet? I'll PM you my cell phone number in a bit.
AM -->
Dan @ Mar. 26 2008 said:
1349317[/ATTACH] AM]
Looks like a good ride Scott!  One of the guys that works with Diana is a Ducati rider and sent her a lot of links on routes.  I told her she was welcome to invite him if he thought he could keep up...

I've been home sick today and just got out of bed.  I decided to stay home and try and kick this early so I can make the ride on Sunday.
Wondering where you have been brother. What did you eat the other night. And where are the pics of the trailer? How was the B-day Party?  
I started feeling a little bad on Monday but was hoping it was just allergies. By Tuesday afternoon, I was full on sick but we had planned a family dinner at Maggiano's Little Italy. I got through the dinner without letting on then took Nyquil and that's been it for me. It looks like I won't be able to get the trailer until Friday or Saturday now. I'm still not feeling well and really want to try and knock this thing out quickly so I'm staying inside. If I go to work tomorrow, I have meetings that will take me until after the trailer place closes.


I hope you dont have what Juli and I had, its sit on the toilet and puke in the trash can for two days. Get well soon my friend. I hope Diana had a good birthday!
Thanks James!!

She was very happy and said it was a great birthday!

I'm not sure what I've got but so far been able to coordinate those two activities so they have not been in conflict...
Thanks James!!

She was very happy and said it was a great birthday!

I'm not sure what I've got but so far been able to coordinate those two activities so they have not been in conflict...
Ah, good for you. We had a few very stressful moments.
Glad Diana had a good B-day.
so far, all the main points say few / scattered / isolated storms w/temps in the upper 70s- low 80s... shouldn't be bad at all. anyone else interested in going?
I will be on the road back from Houston that day in a cage. Otherwise I would hook up and ride with you guys.
