Well the Busa saw the road today!!!!
I got the new tank on, thought I would clean off the dust while I am waiting for Loomis to get here, and fired it up. It sounded SO DAMN GOOD, that there was no chance of not going around the block once, or twice, or 400x lol.
Loomis will be here tomorrow with the front and right fairings, and I ordered the rear fairing today.
I have ordered mirrors, will try to find cans sometime itnf. There are a few more things it needs, but I will get the bike on the road now, update later.
I have to thank you all for being such incredible people. If it weren't for you, this gorgeous bike would be a skeleton right now.
If the sun remembers where we are tomorrow, I will take and post some pics.
Oh yeah- I figured out a cool way to replace body panel lugs that break off, I will take a pic of that tomorrow too.
If anyone ever makes it North, and does not stop in or at least call me so I can meet you somewhere, theres gonna be
You people rock. Thank you.