OMG! dont let your girlfriend see this (SFW)

That rider should be shot through the heart with a fuggin' grenade launcher for doin' that stupid poop with a passenger. If ya wanna fug yerself up, fine, but don't hurt someone else.[/QUOTE]
I agree with B-train, he deserves a beating! or to be dragged by a busa.. so to all those macho riders who need something to prove by showing off, do it with your own ass, to bad you have a little dink..
ride safe,

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Same guy...good at stoppies too!  
Definite Jackass material.  On the flip side of the subject, I've heard of more than one female passenger who was at least guilty for egging on the driver. A busa owner and passenger somehow survived and Darwinian moment in my city, leaving the road (& bike) at 105+.  After the wreck, at the hospital, she told the officer that she can't wait to get on the back of a bike again. I say "Out of the gene pool!"    

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