OMG I thought the guy in Russia was nuts!!!!

cool vid.. never will see me doing, but hey.. if he can LIVE with it... let em do what he do.

They will scrape him up one day and his family will try to figure out why they found his body under the axle of a truck...

yup.... they're both nuts!!

Video starts off with him almost rear ending the truck . Your right he won't last long !

There's no skill in that vid. Just riding fast with bad decision making.

No skill:rofl: Because those long wheelies and the stoppies are so easy, right? Please, show me yours.
Anybody can ride fast and dodge cars until it catches up with them, but they showed some skill it or not.

That's what u call a death wish.

I was just in a hurry guys, why so harsh on me?
Maybe its just guys on Yami's? :whistle:
And i agree that there's skill involved, but why would someone so skillfully pull all him wheelies on that oh so slick double line?
I know of that guy...His name is Tyler Kirk...He stopped riding like this years ago, luckily for drivers of So Cal...Here is a vid of him so yall can get to know him better

- Tyler Kirk Films 3D First R1 footage[/url]
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Look...I'll be the 1st to admit that I like to have some fun and push it at times. BUT...only on back country roads with very little to no traffic. These azzhats are riding like maniacs in heavily congested areas .... just gives us all on sportbikes a bad name! :rulez:
I would never ever hope for fellow rider to go down but dang this guy is going to. That is literally asking for it someday. arriving home safe from a ride like that isnt called doing good its called just mantiaining and surviviing. someday those things run out.