One nice bike

I can apreciate the work that goes into a project like that but MY bike needs to perform in the corners. Riding, to me, is all about apexes and lean angles...
I can apreciate the work that goes into a project like that but MY bike needs to perform in the corners. Riding, to me, is all about apexes and lean angles...
The green one, and the red one next to it, are pretty sharp lookin' bikes. Bigstew22--how about a bigger pic? Looks pretty nice
This is all i got of the red one. Sorry It was so many people and they would not let me get a good one of it

i know the owner of the busa with the copper wheels. he claims to have widened the frams himself he owns a bike shop but hes full of crap he didnt make the frame his shop is 5 mins from my house hes actually a ****. My boy asked him how he did it and hes just saying its really hard blah blah and how it was done and the guy was like ummmmm uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmmm uhhhhhhhhh,,, lol was funny he goes down to the hooters bike night in delaware the thing is like a millon feet wide persoannly i think it looks like crap in person.
all that money and he cant get a helmet that even comes close to and copper bike.. blue and white helmet...