I'd love to get a set, I can provide you the vector image or CAD file or pretty much whatever you'd want so it'll save ya some time and just make 'em. 
These still available?

These still available?
I'd love to get a set, I can provide you the vector image or CAD file or pretty much whatever you'd want so it'll save ya some time and just make 'em.
These still available?
Yep still available, I just ran 35 sets today on the machine, they will be going to anodizing in a few days and then they will be ready to sell. In the meantime we can work on the file to get it ready.
Consider one set sold sir!
On the picture I posted, I quickly measured my stock reservoir covers to see what'd fit. What do you need from me to import into your program? Vector file in EPS format I can directly export from CAD is easiest for me, but I should be able to do any format you'd like.
A dxf or dwg from your CAD program works best for me......the large i will be traced on the outside and the bottom words will be single lines......we will play with it until you are happy with the looks. Also remember its going to be flip flopped color wise, everything white in your picture will be black and the engraving will be silver where there is black in your photo.
Well, I can send it to you like that but all the lettering for the "ir" and "infinite reality" is a couple of fonts. I can send you the fonts as well so it'll come up right on your program or I can just export as a vector and send it that way... It may be easier for you? When you get time PM me you're email and I"ll send what ever you request to ya.
Speaking of, I have the lettering for Hayabusa (1st gen), Suzuki lettering, Suzuki Logo, Hayabusa Kanji all drawn in CAD I can share with you if you'd like.... Just to have if someone wanted it with their forum name or something?
That brings up another point, these fit a Gen2 as well, right?
Thanks again!
I wonder if you could take the "Ludicrous" and "Speed" out of this logo and put one on one side, the other on the other??
Something like this possible?
Please do!
By far the most work I have had to do on a set yet, these ones were difficult, but they turned out super cool. Thanks for your help allowing me to get these right.
Here's mine!
My plate is going to say pntydpr. Panty dropper works for me