Here is a shot of the zero gravity double bubble, don't notice a lot of difference in wind but at least I can see the gauges now.
Ooooo! I like this one very much.
Here is a shot of the zero gravity double bubble, don't notice a lot of difference in wind but at least I can see the gauges now.
Thanks on the paint. I wanted something that would look "factory" but be different. I got the plastic painted at Maaco for $300 Took them 3 days. Turned out great. I scratched the rear cowl putting it back on (clear coat was still not cured) but other than that it was a pretty awesome paint job, especially when a custom painter had quoted me $1,200 for the exact same thing.
Heck for $300 I could paint it a new color every year (get it? Like Suzuki does)
@ 6'1" it is much easier to tuck my fat head behind it compared to stock. long trips are much better.
Theres one in the classifieds right now, isn't there?
Please forgive me if this makes no sense, I'm posting from my phone
IMO the Puig DB is the best combination of performance and looks on the Gen 2 and yes the fit is much tighter than the Gen 1. If you cut your seat or get a Tobin style you will sit lower in the bike and that will help with the wind some too. Gives you a place to hide in the rain too.
Yea i saw it but its the opaque puig which is not see through... I want a dark smoke one i still want to be able to see through it so i can see where im going when i duck behind the screen at speed. I got excited when i first say it because it was at for only 45 dollars but the wind was taking out my sails once i read that it was a opaque
I sure wouldn't say you can see through the dark smoke wind screens at all! I have them on my CBRs and I look just over them when in a full tuck!
If you want to look through the screen while tucked, get a clear!
I think the stock wind screen looks the best, but having a double bubble is an excellent mod. Has anyone seen the skull 3d wind screen? You can find it on google images. I think it would look great for a show bike.
Puig d/b gets my vote. I've had it since September of '07 and never had any problems with it. It makes a difference in my opinion. Also, I can see the gauges better than stock.
Here's more pics for you.
in addition, the funny thing is, if I sit straight up and tall, the wind is much more tolerable.