Ordering Exhaust today....

Y'all got any more opinions on replacing / not replacing the crush gaskets?
i replaced mine, 3rd gens are thiner and stay crushed after i removed them. the 2nd gens are reusable so i put in gen 2 gaskets. id hate to go through the trouble of pulling the fairings off after putting them on only to find out the gaskets are leaking because i didn’t replace them.


Yeah, exactly. So either some smart Yoshimura engineer crunched the numbers and figured it made a better seal and that the protection for the engine case wasn't necessary, or they're just lazy and don't want to throw in a free set to get the price down. Or their computerized flow models work better without the few millimeters of extra distance oh, and they don't care about the engine case. I guess I will call...
i replaced mine, 3rd gens are thiner and stay crushed after i removed them. the 2nd gens are reusable so i put in gen 2 gaskets.

I haven't talked to Yoshimura yet (I also want to ask about the screen protectors for radiator and oil cooler), but I like the crush gaskets, and think I will order a new set of the new thinner ones for the Yosh pipe. I've also come across this interesting information. It might be wise to reduce torque for lubricated bolts (see attached PDF). This is stuff I pulled off other threads on the internet:

I use Anti-Seize on most fasteners, because it not only does what it says it does, including help threads in cast aluminum live longer, but it also acts like a low strength thread locker.
...use copper on any bolt but it is more important on hot surfaces. I even coat my exhaust rings when I change exhausts so they don't stick in the head. Also helps to hold them in place whilst fitting the pipes.
...I deal with temps of 700+ degrees and aluminum based just doesn't hold up like copper does. Its a must when using SS fasteners guaranteed to gall the threads if you don't. I attended a locktite seminar several years ago, and the most interesting thing I came away when using anti-seize is dont just apply it the bolt also apply it to the threaded hole. This made total sense to me cause if you just put it on the bolt the interference fit of the threads tends to strip off the anti-seize and most of it stays at the top of the hole. If you coat the internal threads it carrys the product down into the hole coating more of the threads as the bolt goes in.
*Anti seize, oil etc on bolt threads effects bolt torque. *(from attached report: Reduce the torque values by 25% for lubricated fasteners.)


Okay looking at the install PDF for Yoshimura, the pipe apparently comes with a manifold that slots into the flange. So it's probably designed to do the same thing as the cush gasket.

Manifold flange.jpg
The Yoshimura instructions also have a typo when they say to install the 'sensor' singular. The diagram shows 2 holes for two sensor(s)! This was confusing me...
torque the header bolts to 17ft lbs. yes there are two O2 sensor ports on the headers. when you install the O2 sensors wind the sensor wire about five times in the opposite direction before screwing them into the header. keep all the bolts loose until you have everything in place and keep an eye on the flange position and the spring locations, not all holes in the flanges get springs.
Been hard to choose, between Brocks, Akra, Yoshi or M4.

Withall that said, I think I'm ready to order the Yoshimura AT full system. Coming to this decision took into account price, value and performance. I've had bad experience with the m for in the past, always had good experience with Yoshi I have no experience with rocks but I feel like if I was going to spend that much I would buy what I know and get the Akra. In the end I'm choosing Yoshimura I think there is a large enough price Gap that the extra money doesn't want the cost of the Akraover the Yoshi. Any thoughts?

I also feel for the price difference I can order a bike lift so I may do the work myself and save a ton more $$$. I have incredibly bad knee and hip from an accident and no way can get on the ground to do my own thing!!!
I also have bad knees ,get the abba skylift it works for me ,I can sit or stand to do all maintenance

