Org full of Prude mother hens?

Funny thing is, bullies on the internet are never really bullies. Sure a mod can kick you in the electronic cajones but really, where's the threat? That someone's internet feelings will get hurt?

Boo hoo!

Internet bullies are insecure and people who are threatened by them are just as insecure.

Funny human dynamic.

(Projekt @ Sep. 22 2006,16:26) Nah, I didn't,
I was just being an internet Bully/Hero like my Idol Revlis....
OF Course you were...

You really think of me as a "Hero?" I'm flattered, A bully though?


Big Difference between A$$hole and Bully.
You should know the difference I'd think.
If you think anyone has lost their edge here, have him go out track riding with BA Busa or Charlesbusa or Lamb Busa or a dozen other guys on here. That will give an edumacation to be sure. What is said on the track, rubber side down, is far more potent than any crap that gets spewed on this or any other board.[/Quote]
These are the people who never show up at the track and those of us who do are gratefull for it. Let'em keyboard race...its safer for everyone.
(Revlis @ Sep. 22 2006,16:38)
(Projekt @ Sep. 22 2006,16:26) Nah, I didn't,
I was just being an internet Bully/Hero like my Idol Revlis....  
OF Course you were...

You really think of me as a "Hero?"  I'm flattered, A bully though?  


Big Difference between A$$hole and Bully.  
  You should know the difference I'd think.
Well my momma taught me that "you hafta stur da pot to get some of da good stuff out".
wink wink
This site is EXACTLY how i like it. That's why there are so many contributing members. Wonder how many people get helped .ORG style at LABusa or that other place that mandates every third word starts with "F" and your avatars and sig pics have to be porn in nature.
Nope, I prefer the Mother Hen site. Always will
In simple terms... Well put Moose.
This place is better than anything else.
When I was into 5.0s I used to spend alot of time at Similar mission to serve and collaborate.
No Mother Hen here .....a reformed Demon on Earth is more like it . But I do love this place enough to hold back any real bad stuff .
Good place , Good people ......well , most of them anyway .
Two years ago this February, I decided I was finally going to get a Busa. I wanted to learn more about the bike before I purchased it......and I found this site.

I had never "posted" on a forum before. Hell, I didn't even know what a forum was.

What I found was a group of people that were eager to answer my questions, in an adult, professional manner. I was hooked!

Since then, I've looked at plenty of other sites....sites for all kinds of stuff I like..(like my spudgun habit!)
Honestly, I have yet to find another site like this one. All the others have tons of drama....everyone feels the need to punctuate thier sentences with 4 letter words. Nah, I'm not a prude...far from it.

I came here to learn about the bike I have wanted since 1999.

What I ended up with is a group of friends.

Never in my life, has anyone driven 18+ hours straight to go on a ride with me....BABUSA did. What a great guy. Met him here. Met lots of folks here I count as my friends.

We don't have any real Bullies here. Well....maybe a few with questionable humor

What we have is a group of quality people. We are the minority folks.
If that makes us mother hens.....oh well. I've been called worse.

I hope it never changes.
The people on this sight r just a bonus. The info alone is the best on the net! Whatever IT is.....this sight has IT!
(Lamb busa @ Sep. 22 2006,21:19) The people on this sight r just a bonus.  The info alone is the best on the net!  Whatever IT is.....this sight has IT!
Can't have one without the other.

Actually, from a motorcycle enthusiast standpoint, this is the best site on the net. A bunch of good people with good old fashioned American and Christian values. (Not dissing those of you outside the USA by any means. It's just that most of the participants are within the borders of the USA.) Something that is missing in a large part of the world. Just dumb luck that we all seem to love the same make and model of motorcycle!
(mjn @ Sep. 22 2006,20:20) I had never "posted" on a forum before.  Hell, I didn't even know what a forum was.

What I found was a group of people that were eager to answer my questions,  in an adult, professional manner.    I was hooked!

Since then, I've looked at plenty of other sites....sites for all kinds of stuff I like..(like my spudgun habit!)
Honestly, I have yet to find another site like this one.   All the others have tons of drama....everyone feels the need to punctuate thier sentences with 4 letter words.    Nah, I'm not a prude...far from it.

I came here to learn about the bike I have wanted since 1999.  

What I ended up with is a group of friends.    

Never in my life, has anyone driven 18+ hours straight to go on a ride with me....BABUSA did.    What a great guy.   Met him here.    Met lots of folks here I count as my friends.

We don't have any real Bullies here.    Well....maybe a few with questionable humor

What we have is a group of quality people.     We are the minority folks.
If that makes us mother hens.....oh well.   I've been called worse.

I hope it never changes.
I fully agree. Just talking about how when you meet someone from here in person its like you have known them for years. Kinda eliminates the awkward getting to know each other stage of Friendship.

One of the reasons I like it here so much is the occasional post that ryles some of us up, its good to have some fun at no ones expence.

Projekt, keep up the stories man... they make for great reading and with some imagination they make a great daydream while sitting at a computer working...
(CBXRider @ Sep. 22 2006,10:48)
(WWJD @ Sep. 22 2006,02:09) If your buddy doesn't like it, he should stay away. Why put up with the self-induced stress of dealing with people who don't match your ideals?
Too many of these guys too...for all those that say 'if you don't like it you should just leave"...I say
is the best there is, period!

Moderators should moderate more than they should censor.
freedom? What are you failing to say? if this aint your type of clubhouse, move along. your post makes no sense... but maybe that was the goal?