OTD Prices

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valkyriemc @ Apr. 02 2008 said:
1358725[/ATTACH] AM]
It looks like the warmer states like Florida are having to pay more. Because the dealers are selling more and thus don't have to budge on thier prices.  I paid 13,400 OTD.  And I shopped around.  Guess if I was willing to head way north I could have saved a couple of grand.
Not really (sorry)-I drove from Jax down to ARS Motorsports, Okeechobee Fl. in December and picked up an org/blk for 11.6.OTD So did some others too. I couldn't get anywhere with local shops.
Well you said the magic word........"December".  Try that in the spring.
Keep in mind that motorcycle sales is very seasonal.  The nicer it is outside the more you'll sell. I realize that even in December in Florida, riding a motorcycle is not uncommon. But come spring and summer and see how sales go up.  More sales means less bargaining from most dealers.
OK I'll buy that but you can check with one phone call. They quoted me the price on the phone, and it was on the money. However it may be irrelevant now....Also like I said no local dealer would deal-in December. They all thought they were sitting on a pot of gold. IMHO as a buyer three things give you quite a good barganing position; internet/phone, cash, and a pickup truck.

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valkyriemc @ Apr. 02 2008 said:
1358739[/ATTACH] AM]
It looks like the warmer states like Florida are having to pay more. Because the dealers are selling more and thus don't have to budge on thier prices.  I paid 13,400 OTD.  And I shopped around.  Guess if I was willing to head way north I could have saved a couple of grand.
Not really (sorry)-I drove from Jax down to ARS Motorsports, Okeechobee Fl. in December and picked up an org/blk for 11.6.OTD So did some others too. I couldn't get anywhere with local shops.
Well you said the magic word........"December".  Try that in the spring.
Keep in mind that motorcycle sales is very seasonal.  The nicer it is outside the more you'll sell. I realize that even in December in Florida, riding a motorcycle is not uncommon. But come spring and summer and see how sales go up.  More sales means less bargaining from most dealers.
OK I'll buy that but you can check with one phone call. They quoted me the price on the phone, and it was on the money. However it may be irrelevant now....Also like I said no local dealer would deal. They all thought they were sitting on a pot of gold. The point is that a buyer has got three things going for them; the internet-phone, cash, and a pickup truck.
Damn, need a pickup truck.

Here in AZ I went to Anthem and got mine right when it came out for $12,100.00 OTD and that means out the door, no tax or other stuff added on. Just 12,100.00 financed through Suzuki. No cash used.
drove to Bartlesville, Okla from dallas $10,411 + tax in texas. Local dealers didn't wnat to deal at all
drove to Bartlesville, Okla from dallas $10,411 + tax in texas. Local dealers didn't wnat to deal at all
So after Taxes what did you pay? I just bought mine yesterday in Austin at Woods Fun Center, and I was able to get them down to $11,500 OTD (That included TTL). I think that was a deal for here in TX. It took a couple of hours to get them to that price, but they finally took it. Ask for Jason Bush, he helped me out, but no promises, like I said they were REALLY reluctant to sell it to me for that price. I considered trying OK, but after I figured in the gas cost of driving my F150 up there, the time it takes, and then adding the tax here in TX when I register it, I did not think their price was really great, at least for me.
it was about $11,150 total. you got a good deal, I figure about $125 in gas + time, but like I said the local dealers were not willing to budge from list price at the time, so it was worth it to drive up.
Bought mine in Minneapolis - offered $10,999 and they came back at $11,499 and said it was firm. If you go see my sales person (pm me) I will let him know you are coming and you can get that as well.

2008 Hayabusa $11,499.00
*Tax, Set, Lic $842.94
Total OTD - $12,341

I found out through the grapevine that dealer cost is $10,050 per bike depending on buying power it could be a little higher.

I figure the sales guy needs to make a living on some comission and they also need to keep the lights on so I was cool with the little mark-up.

I got a great deal on my Arai Cosair as well.

PM me and I will set you up with the same person I went through, really nice.

Oh orange is hard to find now according to him they had 3 blue and 2 black when I bought mine a month ago. They only had one orange but that could have changed. I will email him and see.

This link is sticky on forum: https://www.hayabusa.org/forums/?act=ST;f=77;t=78242
$11,200, Plus a negotiated $500 5 year warrenty, 2 helmets, and 2 jackets.Total of ~12,200 for everything.

Prices have gone through the roof recently, the dealership called me a week later and wanted to buy it back because they had someone that wanted my bike. They offered me my sale price, all the interest I had accumulated, and would let me keep the gear for free.

Tempted I was, but I liked my blue K8 to much to try and deal on there slower orange and black K8
I just paid 10,800 out the door for a K8 Orange and Black.

They also gave me 6500 trade it toward it, on my 04 R1 with 15k miles.

This was at Seymour Powersports in Seymour, Indiana.