OUCH! Yellowjacket!


Jumps from perfectly good Airplanes
Donating Member
Such a pretty day I decided to ride to work. Riding down the road and something stings me between the shoulder blades...can't reach it...can't stop...painful...just have to take it until I can find a place to pull over...get off and rip my leather jacket off...find a freakin yellowjacket crawling around inside my jacket which I proceed to END.

Jeez that hurt! Somehow it got inside my leathers and stung me in a place I could not reach. Have a big ole welp on my back.

Talk about a wakeup! Thought I'd been shot or something for a sec...
Nice good thing it didnt cause something worse to happen...i got stung when mowing by those little fellers crawled right up my shorts and stung me on the inner thigh...not fun...
The initial pain is other-worldly for sure and definitely induces about 30 seconds of shock.
I was riding one day with my Visor up got hit and he stuck between my temple and eye glass arm , well I felt him crawling around ,I pulled over as fast as I can then he hit me when when I just got my stand down. I threw off my helmet and my eyeglasses went in the air, sat down for 5 minutes and had collect my self , had a HD rider stop and asked if i needed some help then looked for my glasses, one word ouch.
Yes, used to happen a few times a year on the HD, with all the garb. Tshirt, jeans and beanie. Not missing that !
Sorry...gotta LOL cause..Reminds me of a story posted years back...involved a beamer rider with a nolan flip-face lid...he caught a wasp up in his barely cracked open visor..flipped the visor open and wound up pinning the wasp against his forhead...so he set the Cruise Control and with both hands he let go of the bars to release the dual side latches of his nolan flip-face helmet and turned his head and succesully rided himself of the wasp but then?..as he turned his head forward and rushed to close the flip-face?..the on-coming wind slammed it shut on him catching both his riding gloves in the seam of his fancy nolan flip-face lid..so there he was...CC set on 80mph and both hands glued to the sides of his head...saw a four way stop coming up in the distance and panicked out finally working up enough adrenaline to literally rip the gloves and as his hands jarred loose the bike went into a tank slapper but he miraculously managed to tag the CC off button and recover just in time to make the 4 way stop.

said it really shook him up! :laugh:
I hate it when that happens. I picked up a bumblebee in the sleeve this year somehow. Not as bad as when I removed honeybees from a garage wall & took them home though.... a one versus many thing...:stoopid:
Good thing it wasn't in the helmet. Meat tenderizer takes the swelling down, works for me being allergic to Bee/Wasp stings and all. Glad you made it home safe!
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Same thing happened to me this summer. Nothing like getting stung and standing shirtless on the side of I25. Thank god we are not allergic
That has happened to me numerous times, one time while riding I got stung three times, ya just have to ignore the pain soo ya don't get into an accident.

It is a good thing it did not get into your helmet, thats one of the reasons I don't wear one.
About ten years ago I nearly stacked my car when a bumblebee flew up my shorts. Only it wasn't a bumblebee; it was my new cellphone, which I had accidentally set on vibrate mode.
At this time of the year with the colder days the surviving Yellowjackets know their time is limited. I swear they try to out in a stinging blaze of glory. They're very aggressive at this point in the season.
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