Our Marines

OK, here's some honesty from me. I have a room full of guns, I could eat a cheeseburger and diet coke 5 minutes after blowing a bad guy's head off (rapist, home invasion, Taliban, etc.).
I am a former Marine(Vietnam) and inner city cop, I've seen alot.
Having said all that...I have two forces at war inside me....the first one is the angry killer in me that saw that Taliban assasination of the poor Afgan lady in the soccer field (because she tried to leave her evil primative abusive husband). That part of me wants to make Afganistan into a parking lot.
The second force in me is the one that says...."get our young warriors out of that hell hole immediately". This is a stupid war that goes nowhere...it only feeds the Islamic fundamentalist machine to train more 13 year old suicide bombers. If we leave we take away many of their reasons for hating us.
Anybody else have those feelings? Raydog

Didn't they hate us before we were there?

I'm with you - I think the trick is to get the local populace against the dumbadzz's that stir up the enemy (us), instead of putting our boys on the ground in harms way. unfortunately for the local populace that would best be done by mushrooming the areas where the problems arise. I have a strrong hunch that the locals know exactly who is who. They get too much grief, they will be coughing up the problem peeps, or logic would have it.
Didn't they hate us before we were there?

They hated us when we were "helping" them with Russia...

Spend the money to put a huge brick fence up around the border with towers full of snipers who get paid on commission. Problem solved.

I've said it once, I'll say it again. If we had to fight WWII like we have to fight battles starting in Vietnam -> current day, we would ALL be speaking GERMAN and or RUSSIAN today. We loose WWII period fighting it as we are fighting current day wars. Why did we win WWII? A sense of national pride was HUGELY more predominant then. Is it because our population was more focused on America and her safety? Yes that's possible. Here's a big reason why....we let the military fight our battles not our stupid, self serving morons in congress. We did not fight a war on TV. We did not show all the negative crap of war in the papers or in movie theaters (now TV). We had a purpose built pro America, anti Nazi propaganda machine running in the papers, theaters, etc.

Do you think this is not the case in the lands we are at war? They run anti-american stuff all over, they sing the praises of their mission. They hear it day in and day out, it is a real war to them because they live in it daily. For the hippies around the country here that hate the military for killing.... they can get a big ole cup of shut the fug up IMHO. Let them live a day in the life of a recon Marine, Army ranger or Navy seal. Let them feel what being in a war is really like, no more comfy living, no hot food, no clean place to crap. Then maybe then we can actually move forward towards winning the battle.

Here's yet another key difference. We are fighting for democracy and to protect our people and their way of life. The people we are at war with are fighting for their religious beliefs. We say we want them to have a better way of life. They say, we love our god. Given that we are not going to change the fact that Allah is god to that religious faith, we cannot destroy what they are fighting for....ever.

In other wars we fought for and against something tangible, land/rights/policy. We had a clear objective and we accomplished it. In this war on terror, there is nothing tangible to achieve except the total elimination of those that think and believe that the west is evil and are willing to take violent action against us. We will never achieve that while fighting a war on TV because most Americans and the world in general are not capable of understanding what it takes to accomplish the mission. No one wants to see dead bodies, no one wants to think that killing innocents happens in war, no one wants to believe that an 7yr old kid could be the most hideous deadly threat to our soldiers on patrol.

Let the military fight the battles, enforce the chain of command (congress is not part of it BTW), tell Congress to do their jobs and take care of THIS country, stop sending BILLIONS of dollars to other countries and stop fighting wars on TV and in the media. Do that and only then will you see or hear about our victory in places like Afghanistan, Iraq and unless things change....Iran.
I disagree, but only in part, Zuk.

Society has changed. America, the world, the free, the communists, the radicals, and the conservatives... all changed. For the better? For the worse? I can't be the judge of that. What I do know to be true is that during WWII Americans sat in theaters and watched with sheer delight as they were spoon-fed carnage. They watched gun camera footage of aerial combat and cheered as some Japanese pilot was blasted out of the sky. They watched gun fights while performing house to house fighting in Germany. They saw the lifeless bodies of both our foes and our own GI's. They lived the war and took part, helping where they could, rationing, working, buying bonds, and listening to their loved ones doing the fighting via their letters home.

Today, the media has changed the majority of Americans, and people of the world in general, to see these things and flinch. To refrain from "taking a side" or "taking a stand". We've been taught that political correctness trumps moral obligation. We're supposed to walk in the shoes of our enemy rather than realize we would never put those particular shoes on to begin with. It's wrong to tell someone they are wrong because there's "always a solution where everyone wins". It's improper as a nation to stand and fight with the determination to win. No, those are things for someone else to decide to do and then do themselves.

It's not just America that needs to wake up but do I think we have the most to be ashamed of in this day and age. Our (great-)grandfathers did not fight, suffer, and possibly die for us to end up here a mere 50 years later. Shame on us for forgetting who we are as a country and losing our John Wayne like national swagger.
I disagree, but only in part, Zuk.

Society has changed. America, the world, the free, the communists, the radicals, and the conservatives... all changed. For the better? For the worse? I can't be the judge of that. What I do know to be true is that during WWII Americans sat in theaters and watched with sheer delight as they were spoon-fed carnage. They watched gun camera footage of aerial combat and cheered as some Japanese pilot was blasted out of the sky. They watched gun fights while performing house to house fighting in Germany. They saw the lifeless bodies of both our foes and our own GI's. They lived the war and took part, helping where they could, rationing, working, buying bonds, and listening to their loved ones doing the fighting via their letters home.

Today, the media has changed the majority of Americans, and people of the world in general, to see these things and flinch. To refrain from "taking a side" or "taking a stand". We've been taught that political correctness trumps moral obligation. We're supposed to walk in the shoes of our enemy rather than realize we would never put those particular shoes on to begin with. It's wrong to tell someone they are wrong because there's "always a solution where everyone wins". It's improper as a nation to stand and fight with the determination to win. No, those are things for someone else to decide to do and then do themselves.

It's not just America that needs to wake up but do I think we have the most to be ashamed of in this day and age. Our (great-)grandfathers did not fight, suffer, and possibly die for us to end up here a mere 50 years later. Shame on us for forgetting who we are as a country and losing our John Wayne like national swagger.

Dont disagree with what you have here at all... I think showing the products of war both postive and negative is important. The negative crap I referred to was all the protests, rallies, congressional shid and the like both domestically and internationally. Those things are done purely to increase viewers and get ratings and IMHO drive the wedge farther into the American society.

If you brought back the presidents, generals and congressional leaders from 1940-1950 they would kick our asses for the way things are being done today.