Nice Neon!
Did someone steal all your gear
That's for sure...Semi's a super guy Thanks for sharing...good pics!
Lets here it for all the '05 red Busas! woohoo!
Nice pics thanks for the share!
yeah well dr1300r got his GPS taken away
See if i showed up,, the prank pics would all ready be up!
GSXTacy got SQUID award for the whole wkend for that one..
What, a guy cant wipe his bike down without full leathers?
It's just real easy to get pic's of the red 05 Busa's because there all so SLOW...
Your welcome for the share.. Hope all is working out for you after the spill.. eace:
Yes sir, recuperating just fine! thank you. Slow and I still wrecked!
looks like all had a good time.
A bird flew into my chest at a little over a hundred.. It exploded into the dash.. uke: