Out with the Olde' In with the new...

Congrats Rev! Helmet looks sweet. personally I am very upset with the quality of my Arai helmet I have the corsair rx7. Had the bottom part, that black trim fall off. First it was the side part then the front . I think the next helmet I will get is going to be a shoei or soumy.
Personally I'm upset with you crying and whinning on my good stuff thread.

Take your Arai back to the dealership and get it handled... I've seen some problems, but I've also seen us get em back from Arai fixed and warrantied no sweat.

Before you go after a 2nd rate helmet, give Arai a chance to make it work...

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Thanks everyone, Seriously I appreciate the kind words.  But where are the haters?  Come on, telling me everyone Loves the Tommy Gun?  I don't believe it, the thing is freakin outta hand.  But I appreciate the generous comments.
My guess is that your avatar scares most of us silly...who would want to cross THAT guy?


Actually, I do like the new lid...
Congrats on the new gig, Bro!
I'm actually a bit suprised you stayed out of it for this long~ I'm sure they will find you to be a great asshat... I mean asset~

How's the Mrs feeling about her change after this first year now? She still just as psyched as she was in the begining? Sure do miss her around here~ At least the job in Tampa gave her plenty of.. well.. a little time to play in the org~ Give 'er my best...

Oh yeah... Nice lid too!

I don't like the Tommy Guns! Do you feel better?
(Because I don't have any yet!)

Congrats on the promotion. I know you'll like it much better than doing the parts shuffle. I know you've been lurking around a bit, but it's good to know your still here. Fiona and I want to hookup with you and Pam for dinner in the next couple of weeks. Send me a PM, or call me, when you can.

Well Ya got me.  I have the Two Arai's, two Shoei's, a Bell Moto7, and a Scorpian.  Looks like ya got a bit of Helmet fetish going on.  This due to a hunt for the right helmet, or just liking cool helmets?
A little bit of both, but other than the Vemar CF, I haven't bought a new helmet since the Quantum II ... gonna get rid of the suomy and the vemar and give the new model Arai a try soon, but 8 is enough (pun intended) ... still GrabnTwist has me beat ... now he has a fetish:) I am so proud of myself for resisting the urge to get that new Shoei X-11 Kiyonari. I love those dragons.

Congrats Rev! Helmet looks sweet. personally I am very upset with the quality of my Arai helmet I have the corsair rx7. Had the bottom part, that black trim fall off. First it was the side part then the front . I think the next helmet I will get is going to be a shoei or soumy.
Personally I'm upset with you crying and whinning on my good stuff thread.

Take your Arai back to the dealership and get it handled... I've seen some problems, but I've also seen us get em back from Arai fixed and warrantied no sweat.

Before you go after a 2nd rate helmet, give Arai a chance to make it work...
I thought you wanted a hater

I have to see if I can find the warranty papers or want ever they ask for. Who do I contact for warranty issues?
Thanks everyone, Seriously I appreciate the kind words. But where are the haters? Come on, telling me everyone Loves the Tommy Gun? I don't believe it, the thing is freakin outta hand. But I appreciate the generous comments.
My guess is that your avatar scares most of us silly...who would want to cross THAT guy?


Actually, I do like the new lid...
Nah, I don't think I scare anyone... Certainly doesn't seem like it anyway. Besides would a mean person wear a Neon helmet???
Congrats on the new gig, Bro!
I'm actually a bit suprised you stayed out of it for this long~ I'm sure they will find you to be a great asshat... I mean asset~

How's the Mrs feeling about her change after this first year now? She still just as psyched as she was in the begining? Sure do miss her around here~ At least the job in Tampa gave her plenty of.. well.. a little time to play in the org~ Give 'er my best...

Oh yeah... Nice lid too!
Well she is fuggin thrilled. She is the head of Special Projects, essentially she is an internal consultant at Premera and is just busy as hell, being challanged on a regular basis and she is loving every minute of it. She is kicking a whole lot of butt and is getting recognized for her expertise and professionalism. Basically she is "Damn the Torpedos, Full speed ahead!!!"
She say "Howdy and she misses you guys." Hell she won't brag so I do it for her.

We love it up here in the NW, the Air is heavenly, the people strange, and the weather is um... Wet! But it's still 50 degrees out or so, I can still ride year around, and I love it.

As for me staying at the Parts Counter for so long? It was the team up there, just a great bunch of guys, we were really tight knit, watched each others backs, and got along real well. It was sorta like being active duty again and deplayed with a team for a year, you just really get to know and trust em'. It's hard to walk away from that, at least for me. But they are the only reason...

Take care Bro, hope everything is doing well, my best to TKM and I think it's about time for an HMF Exhaust review with pics. I keep waiting to here how it all went, or did I miss it all?

Take care Bro.


I don't like the Tommy Guns! Do you feel better?
(Because I don't have any yet!)

Congrats on the promotion. I know you'll like it much better than doing the parts shuffle. I know you've been lurking around a bit, but it's good to know your still here. Fiona and I want to hookup with you and Pam for dinner in the next couple of weeks. Send me a PM, or call me, when you can.

Alright Bro, Sushi Zen This Tuesday at around 2000hrs? Of course if you don;t like raw they have several other cooked items and plenty of tempura and whatnot.

Would be good to see you both, been a long damn time...

What do ya think? PM me if that time will work...


Oh and yeah, thank you for not liking the Tommy Guns... I feel better...

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