Oversized Air Scoops w/ LEDs

Wait! Wait!! If you made the rest of the bike all bumpy and wavy and imbedded LEDs all over the plastic they might just look good!!! Really, they just don't fit with the lines and style of the Busa. Maybe they would look good on that "Predator Head Bike" if you painted them greenish yellow!:laugh:
I am SO mad at smoke1340 for bumping this thread.. Since I had forgotten just how horrific that looked.. :puke:
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definitely not digging it but then again it won't be going on mine so to each their own. as long as it's what you like then who cares what we think. you do you
I have the Mototeck undertail on my Gen 1 and I think it looks pretty good, but I have to say those air scoops are UGGGGLEEEEEYYYY! They are using the same light that are used for brake lights on the undertail for the turn signals. (See my Avatar)